- dishes
- dishes categories + sorting + pagination
- cart page
- dishes in cart
- total price
- ordering
- cart list
- customer's information: address, email, phone number (required)
- google map
- feedback
- writing a message
- robot check (optional)
- order
- dishes list
- price
- google map
- restaurants
- google map
- restaurants list with info
- dishes
- managing categories
- managing dishes
- load dish picture (Firebase)
- orders
- managing orders: set status, delete
- feedbacks
- read
- delete
- restaurants
- manage restaurants
- add / delete / change location
- curiers
- watch curiers status
- get order
- set order status
- ORDER module
- dishes list
- dish description
- cart list
- order page
- MAIN module
- greeting page
- restaurants list
- feedback page
- ADMIN module
- dishes managing:
- dishes list
- dish details
- dish add / edit
- dish categories
- restaurants managing
- restaurants list
- restaurant details
- restaurant add / edit / remove
- couriers managing
- couriers list
- courier details
- enable / disable courier
- confirm courier's profile cnahges
- orders list
- order details
- manage order (comfirm completed / cancelled ), remove order, set courier
- dishes managing:
- COURIER module
- profile page
- change profile data
- free orders list
- own orders
- order details: set completed / cancelled + message
- profile page
- auth service
- log in
- log out
- check access (admin, courier, guest)
- dishes service
- restaurants service
- data service
- work with Firebase
- orders service
- creating order:
- list:
[- dish id
- dish name
- dish price]
- list:
[- dish id
- creating order:
- name (string)
- price (number)
- imageUrl (string)
- description (string)
- ingredients list ([string])
- address (string)
- Google Map coordinates ({lat, lng})
- phone number (string)
- dishes list
- dish:
- name (string)
- price (number)
- ingredients list ([string])
- dish:
- Google Map coordinates ({lat, lng})
- name (string)
- phone number (string)
- email (string)
- address (string)
- orders' ids ([string])