PHP e-Shop

Educational project

I developed this project to study PHP, MySQL and MVC implementation for PHP.

This is an e-Shop with the following features:

  • products
  • product taxons
  • cart
  • checkout processing
  • file upload
  • admin authentication
  • admin panel
  • admin users
  • internationalization

All the project is written from scratch, third-party libs used only for the front-end part (Bulma and jQuery).


App configuration is stored in /app/config folder. File /app/config/config.php is ignored by Git and used to store your own variables. File /app/config/_config.php is a config template file.


You will need some PHP server and SQL database. You have to clone this repository into appropriate folder on your server, then create a database.

Database connection details (DB name, user, password) are stored in config file (see above).

After server and DB preparations:

  • import the /db.sql file to get database structure;
  • execute /init.php script to create admin account.

Admin's username and password are taken from /app/config/config.php (or /_config.php) file.