
dx11 mode customFonts are not displayed and errors are reported

Opened this issue · 21 comments

dx11 mode customFonts are not displayed and errors are reported

Oct 27 09:52:18 error: intercepted crash from hardware exception at "??? +0x0000000000000000"
Oct 27 09:52:18 client: --- exception ---
code: 0x00000000C0000005
addr: 0x0000000000000000
offs: 0x0000000000000000
prms: 0000000000000002
flgs: 0x0000000000000000

In addition, according to the source code, the json file with all the skill ids at once would exceed the page link length,

Which font file were you trying to load and could you please also provide sct.log?

In addition, according to the source code, the json file with all the skill ids at once would exceed the page link length,

Which json file with all the skill ids do you mean? Currently I still save the skill icon information as a ini file.

I look at your source code, the link to get the skill API will append all skill ids to "IDS =" and then according to my test, it will return a message" the page connection address is out of bounds ",

Because the log file is empty and I can't provide it

this is my font and Translation files(Not the latest version. I'll give you the latest when I get home

I modified the SkillIconManager.cpp, it will divide the id size by 180, then get all the skill json, save them locally, remove some extra strings, and then integrate them together, then parse them, and then Start downloading the pictures, and determine whether they need to be re-downloaded according to the size of the existing pictures, because sometimes the picture file size may be 0kb

i use std::string getjsonstring(std::string url, std::string urfs, std::string urls) void to get json and save to local

I think you code presumes the "preload all skill icons" option is always enabled. Otherwise the first time an Icon gets requested, the allskell.txt is created and after that only there information are looked up but it contains only information about that one skill.

Secondly I strongly refrained from caching the API results in the past since skill icons could get updated or even skill ids could change in future updates meaning the cached information would be out of date. Therefore it is useful to always send a new request to the API about skill information.

I already pushed a commit limiting the requested skill id's per API call to 10 which should solve the original problem you mentioned with exceeding the HTTP URL length limit.

I tested both the language and font file you provided, and both work fine with the newest dll version 2.0 RC2. could you make sure you have the latest dll (it changed twice yesterday, you can check if you have the newest by comparing file size - should be around 3.4 MB). Otherwise your sct.ini or sct.json could be in some way problematic.

i use new one but font can't normal display like this:

is use fanzhengmiaowu.ttf

I tried other fonts and still had problems.
this is new chinese translation
and you Forget the
ImGui::Text("Message Receivers:"); and ImGui::Text("New receiver:");

Oh I missed you were using dx11. Yeah there seem to be some issues with dx11 currently.

this log im not ues preload all skill icons

Before the release of v2.0 RC2 ,in Issues, you released the test support dx11 version of the display is normal

Text in dx11 is fixed with newest commit and release.

Font library display not complete, such as "症状" only show "症",And have more of that
and this New version of the Chinese translation docume

Fixed with commit b008e74

not releases file?

You can test it with this dll:

I won't change the current pre release until there are some major problems with the changed code. Reason for that is that I plan to soon finish the complete 2.0 release.