
Jackman is a JavaScript-based web game that features a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. The game revolves around two main characters `Jackman` and `Ghost`. Pacman based Game.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Game Description

Jackman Class

The Jackman class represents the main character in the game. It possesses the following properties:

  • Position: x and y coordinates.
  • Dimensions: width and height.
  • Speed: Movement speed of the character.
  • Directions: Current and next directions of movement.


  1. Constructor: Initializes the Jackman object with its properties and sets initial directions.

  2. moveProcess(): Controls Jackman's movement. It changes direction if possible, moves Jackman forwards, and handles collisions.

  3. eat(): Checks if Jackman has collided with food pellets, updating the score accordingly.

  4. moveBackwards() and moveForwards(): Update Jackman's position based on the current direction.

  5. checkCollisions(): Checks if Jackman has collided with obstacles on the game map.

  6. checkGhostCollision(): Checks if Jackman has collided with any of the ghosts.

  7. changeDirectionIfPossible(): Changes Jackman's direction if the next direction is different and checks for collisions before updating the position.

  8. getMapX(), getMapY(), getMapXRightSide(), and getMapYRightSide(): Calculate corresponding map coordinates for Jackman's position.

  9. changeAnimation(): Updates the current frame of Jackman's animation.

Ghost Class

The Ghost class represents the enemy characters in the game. It has various properties and methods:


  • Position: x and y coordinates.
  • Dimensions: width and height.
  • Speed: Movement speed.
  • Image Coordinates and Dimensions: imageX, imageY, imageWidth, and imageHeight.
  • Range: The range within which the ghost detects Jackman.


  1. Constructor: Initializes Ghost with properties and sets a random target from an array.

  2. isInRange(): Checks if Jackman is within the ghost's range.

  3. changeRandomDirection(): Updates the random target index for the ghost.

  4. moveProcess(): Controls the ghost's movement. It updates the target, changes direction, moves forwards or backwards based on conditions, and checks for collisions.

  5. moveBackwards() and moveForwards(): Update the ghost's position based on the current direction.

  6. checkCollisions(): Checks if the ghost has collided with obstacles on the game map.

  7. changeDirectionIfPossible(): Changes the ghost's direction based on its target, checking for collisions before updating the position.

  8. calculateNewDirection(): Uses breadth-first search algorithm to calculate a new direction for the ghost.

  9. addNeighbors(): Adds neighboring positions to a queue for breadth-first search.

  10. getMapX(), getMapY(), getMapXRightSide(), and getMapYRightSide(): Calculate corresponding map coordinates for the ghost's position.

  11. changeAnimation(): Updates the current frame of the ghost's animation.

  12. draw(): Renders the ghost on the canvas, along with a circle representing its detection range.

Game.js Description

The Game.js file defines various variables, objects, and functions related to the game logic:

  1. Initialization: Gets references to HTML elements and sets up constants for directions, game variables, and map details.

  2. Jackman and Ghost Classes: Defines classes for Jackman and Ghost characters, including their properties and methods.

  3. Helper Function: Creates a helper function (createRect) for drawing rectangles on the canvas.

  4. Game Logic Functions: Defines functions for creating characters, updating game state, drawing elements on the canvas, handling collisions, and implementing the game loop.

  5. Game Initialization: Creates instances of Jackman and Ghosts, and starts the game loop using setInterval.

  6. Event Listener: Adds an event listener for keydown events to handle user input for controlling Jackman's movement.

Ghost.js Description

The Ghost.js file focuses on the Ghost class, providing detailed information about its properties and methods:

  • Constructor: Initializes Ghost object with various properties.
  • isInRange(): Checks if Ghost is within range of the target.
  • changeRandomDirection(): Randomly changes the index of the target.
  • moveProcess(): Handles the movement of the ghost, determining the target, changing direction, and updating position based on conditions.
  • moveBackwards() and moveForwards(): Move the ghost in opposite and forward directions based on the current direction.
  • checkCollisions(): Checks if the ghost has collided with obstacles on the map.
  • changeDirectionIfPossible(): Changes the ghost's direction based on the target's position and the current map, using a breadth-first search algorithm.
  • calculateNewDirection(): Implements the breadth-first search algorithm to calculate a new direction for the ghost.
  • addNeighbors(): Adds neighboring positions to the queue for exploration during breadth-first search.
  • getMapX(), getMapY(), getMapXRightSide(), and getMapYRightSide(): Calculate corresponding indices on the map for the ghost's position.
  • draw(): Draws the ghost on the canvas along with a circle indicating its range.