
Login/Sign Up feature is missing.

Opened this issue · 15 comments

I can add a login/Sign Up button in the navbar and forms for login and signup

Please assign me this issue, so I can proceed.

@TheDemantor Go ahead
Nice feature.
Star the repo ⭐ to showcase your support.

I want to add this feature . Please assign it me .

@Aman1143 Sorry !!
@TheDemantor is currently working on it.

Can I also fix the navbar and other thing for the improvement ?

@TheDemantor Plz finish your task early
You can improve whatever you want by making sure that it won't create any problem.

@Aman1143 Plz look for other issues or create new issues
Star the repo 🌟 to show your support.

@TheDemantor Due to inactivity this issue will be unassigned
Thank you :)

@Aman1143 Do you want to work on it?
Anyone can take up this issue..

want to work pls assign me @Arun9739

hi @Arun9739
I already have created login/signup page. Can u assign this to me.

@sayan404 Go ahead
Plz star the repo 🌟 to show your support.

@OneAutumLeaf Plz look for other issues or create new issues
Star the repo 🤩 to show your support.

Please assign me this task. Thanks