
Favicon not visible at the home page

Closed this issue · 6 comments

What is the bug :

  • The favicon not visible at the home page due to the some problem

Expected behavior :

  • Fix the issue do that the favicon is visble at home page same as visble at other pages.
  • Same problem at the 'our tours' page need to be done.

Screenshots :

I would like to work on this.

Will you please assign me this issue @Arun9739 .

@Arun9739 Assign it to me will go easy way

@RashiSingh20 Go ahead
Plz star the repo 🌟 to show your support

@KanjiZain and @issue31 Thank you for your interest
But plz look for other issues or create new issues

Plz star 🌟 the repo to show your support.

@RashiSingh20 As the issue is fixed, it will be closed.