
[$100,000] Open Web Incubator

cedriking opened this issue · 2 comments

imgRules and Criteria

The Open Web Incubator is a six-week-long online incubation programme endowed with an investment pool of $100,000 to be invested in PST-backed permaweb apps.

During the course of the programme, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Join masterclasses delivered by industry experts on everything from developing your go-to-market strategies to pitching techniques.
  • Pitch to world-renowned investment firms such as Andreessen Horowitz, Union Square Ventures, Multicoin Capital, and 1kx and possibly receive additional investments.
  • Direct technical support from the Arweave core team.
  • Participate in exclusive community events and discussion forums.

Participants are encouraged to create engaging, user-centric applications on the Arweave network, integrating Arweave’s profit-sharing token (PST) technology. PSTs are a fundamentally new way of incentivizing founders to build web services. Integrating a PST enables devs to earn a stream of micro-dividends from the usage of their permaweb app, as well as to sell access to these futures profits to interested investors. If you’d like to read more about how PSTs work, you can find out here.

Idea to Market in just six weeks

The aim of the programme is to guide you from the seed of your initial idea into a fully-fledged, revenue-generating permaweb app. Along the way we will help connect you with high-quality mentors and the best advice on building web apps that gain major traction. After you have built, launched, and demoed your permaweb app, we will consider it for funding from our $100,000 investment pool. Through the incubator’s demo day we will also connect you with other interested parties that may want to purchase part of your profit sharing token.

As well as hacking, each week of the incubation period includes a mixture of masterclasses, workshops, community events, and investor feedback, all culminating in a Demo Day on week six where projects will pitch to potential investors. A week later, the top projects will be announced together with the investments they have secured so far.



You can find the docs for getting started deploying your first permaweb app here.

The docs for the JS library that allows you to read from and write to the permaweb are here.

We’re providing some free tokens so you can get started building and deploying - grab your wallet here. For guidance on how to use the Chrome web extension wallet, check out this user guide.

Our blog post about profit sharing tokens can be found here, and our post on SmartWeave can be found here.

A guide for spinning up your SmartWeave PST can be found here.

If you need technical support, join our developers’ Discord here where core Arweave team members and community members can offer you guidance.


Successful submissions will meet the following criteria:
  • Apps must be open source, with the full source code available on Github or another open code hosting repository. Feel free to use whatever OSS licence you prefer.
  • Your application must incorporate a profit sharing token, the owners of which receive royalties from usage of the app.
  • Your submission must include a link to a live, functioning, and running instance of the app itself, as well as a link to the repository it is stored within. It must also be published to ArweaveApps (see the submission process below).
  • All applicants must join our Discord Dev server and share your submission in the #on-the-arweave channel upon completion.
Investment details

The investment pool of $100,000 will be split amongst the top projects as chosen by the core Arweave team, taking feedback from expert judges from Andreesen Horowitz, Union Square Ventures, 1kx, and Multicoin Capital. This investment will be made in exchange for an amount of the top apps’ profit sharing tokens (PSTs), to be defined in negotiation with the submitting individual or team following the incubator programme.

Note: The bounty has a value of 100,000 DAI on GitCoin, this is only a representation of the $100,000, the currency will depend on the agreement with the investee.

Submission Deadline

11:59pm EST on August 12th

Announcement Date

August 19th

Read all about this here:

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 10 months, 3 weeks ago.
Please review their action plans below:

1) matejko0077 has started work.

Nothing special
2) mcmonkeys1 has started work.

Platform where audio content creators can store & make available their audio in return for a share of the AR generated by the platform.
3) vporton has started work.

Post ebooks or other files and share revenue of their selling with a PST token. Probably I will implement voting system for editing categories (during the hackathon or in the future). I want to make this my main business.
4) craze3 has started work.

WeaveID is a cloud Arweave wallet that you can access from any device by logging in with an email & password. Easily integrates into any dApp, to allow for seamless user onboarding. Coming soon: Embeddable widgets, mobile app, and fiat on-ramp.
5) metlock has started work.

Create a marketplace that rewards positive actions across the entire activity chain powered by a solution that leverages the Arweave Network for permanent data storage, permanence of meta and verifiability of transactions while being secure by default.

Every transaction completed will reward all parties involved in the transaction with a percentage of the PST earned for the transaction. This includes the two exchanging parties, their handling partner and the original part manufacturer.

In the event of a failed transaction, the awarded amount will be deducted from the faulty party’s PST balance.

In this way, good actors will be rewarded and their status and personal value in the network will grow, bad actors will not gain rewards, will lose status and never earn long term from the network’s success.
6) aliceasuna94 has started work.

Awesome dapps with PST
7) chxpz has started work.

All the tools you have nowadays to deal with anything after your dead relying on centralized solutions.

  • Life insurance;
  • Family offices to take care of your testament;
  • youtube or google drive to deliver videos
  • A third party that you need to trust will transmit your willing

People spend a substantial amount of money with it every year, and still have no certainty that things will occur as they wish.

A Dapp to store videos, to triggered based on predetermined parameters is the solution.
For those who want to continue to be listened to even after they pass away we are building Caduceus.

That's the roots of the technology that enabled Clark Kent to talk with Jor-El in his journey to assume himself as Superman.
8) porobov has started work.

Upala is an anti-Sybil system for DApps, with an aim to become a decentralized digital identity in the future.

Upala provides a digital identity uniqueness score. The score is valued in dollars and represents the explosion price - an amount of money that an identity holder can get at any time for deleting their ID. The higher the explosion price the higher the owner values the ID and the safer it is for DApps to interact with.
9) cryptowhaler has started work.

People can spin up their own customized trading strategies (no coding needed), can invest in existing strategies, can share their own strategies, and can trade over trading-strategies (trading strategy derivatives). 10% of profits(when the profits cross a certain threshold) will be charged as fee, which will regulate the distribution and price of our PST.
10) lketchersid has started work.

We've recently integrated multiple decentralized identity (DiD) solutions to our authorization service and into a demo app for document upload and retrieval. For this project we'll be adding arweave access to this document upload app, adding support for PST, adding tracking of certain documents (potentially utilizing an existing proof of existence ( system, and, time permitting, add-in workflow tracking for publication and delegation of access.
11) mikehibbert has started work.

Create and store invoices for yourself and your clients permanently in the blockchain.

Never loose your records of work or worry about your data being unavailable because of unreliable hosting or backup services
12) audsssy has started work.

Self-service cryptoart gallery with automatic royalties distribution
13) maxicredit has started work.

MaxiCredit is a smart contract based P2P lending platform with a credit score system and with a custom stable coin Maxit.
14) ardriveapp has started work.

ArDrive (or DropWeave) is designed to easily synchronize data from your PC to Arweave's permanent and decentralized storage platform. Users will be able to pay once to store their data forever on the Permaweb, and then access it anywhere on any device. A simple app allows the user to setup a synchronization folder, configure a wallet, and connect to the Permaweb.

Key features of ArDrive will include

  • A Windows 10 Universal App (other OS can be ported in the future)
  • Configure a new or existing Synchronization folder.
  • Upload data to the Permaweb in the background.
  • Provide a basic UI for configurations and uploaded files.
  • Keep your data in online-only mode, thus clearing up space on your PC.
  • Use an Arweave wallet to pay all data transaction fees with clear, up front cost transparency to all data uploaded.
  • Error handling and logging.

Additional features like privacy, sharing and collaboration can be added in later phases.
15) kangkanj23 has started work.

app with video uploading capacity where the content creators as well as the users will be incentivized with tokens
16) laprelle10 has started work.

virtual studio
17) hellomalaysia has started work.

Decentralize Streaming online video
18) gabbieian38 has started work.

Dapp Gaming
19) samhatem has started work.

We're creating a framework for self-governed online communities. The product we plan to demo will be a blogging platform where users can create publications that they own. User's that own the publication can choose who can write for the publication. Each publication with have a profit sharing token to distribute profits among their members.
20) retricsu has started work.

free microblog
21) madilraza has started work. is a Crypto currency trading Platform Developed on Blockchair apis and CCXT framework .We Have different Membership tries With Our Auto Trend Web AI Bot You Can Trader you crypto currency and virtual assets . You dont have to contain a Experience in Virtual Trading Highly Secure Node Based Data And Asset Transferring APIs . Fully Built On Node js and Php .With CCXT And Blockchair Apis
22) jabyl has started work.

Non-Zone is the Global Map of stories for experiential- and solo-traveling!

A Non-Zone is a personal place. A place with a Story. Where something has happened.
Not a map of Locations, but a map of Stories – to create a deeper human connection in the times of Social Distancing, and a richer traveling experience, whether somewhere on the other side of the world, or right downstairs, in a common road.

We use Storytelling, Geofencing & Blockchain to create every non-zone as a profit-sharing marketplace where the three parties are:

  1. Zoners:
  • Create non-zones

  • Profit per Interaction
  1. Explorers (Travelers):
  • Discover/Validate 
new locations.

- Pay < coffee to interact, and get richer experience.
  • Discounts to redeem with Merchants in the network.
  1. Merchants/Guides:
  • Gain visibility
- Attract new Explorers & grow the value of their non-zone
- Offer discounts to Explorers

We use a Dual-Tokenomics:

  1. SPACE Credits: 

    unit of exchange to measure the value of a new non-zone, and to interact with existing ones. Based on a "Proof-of-Interaction" protocol.

  2. ZONE Points: 

    simple discount coupons, redeemable for services of experiential providers (Guides/Merchants) in the area.

Every place has a story – from a tree in the Rainforest, to the alley behind your home.
So, find your own dimension. Create your Non-Zone – and add it to the map. Today.
23) mickeystar has started work.

Photo gallery for sharing and secured permanent storage with no subscription based model, focusing on community engagement, getting recognized, rewards, gaining popularity among community and user-friendly with several unique key features. foto=photography + book=permanent record/albums.
24) jakub-wojciechowski has started work.

Limestone - financial data you can trust and afford
25) x5engine has started work.

DropBox like dApp to share encrypted or public files
26) ivanmolto has started work.

A web service to collect syllabi
27) cervoneluca has started work.

OpenBits is a platform based on the Arweave blockchain. Arweave is a network that incentivise users to create censorship-resistant permanent contents. OpenBits incentivize developers to create those small packages that lay the foundation to all the complex applications we use day by day.

Read more about OpenBits here
Look at the code of OpenBits Web Portal here
28) dwrx has started work.

Blockchain Academy is an online learning and teaching marketplace. It allows developers to learn how to develop software for blockchain projects via series of free and paid courses. Shareholders and mentors receive profits from purchased courses.
29) htrap has started work.

A platform for hosting git repositories with assured availability due to permanent storage offered by Arweave.
30) rekpero has started work.

Product for deploying js web apps to the Arweave network, for maintaining web app versions and tracking logs in one place. Deploy your site by providing minimum details
31) izrake has started work.

Credence provide users to store Notary document, video or even text in Arweave Infra. It also provide visualization of most of the file in the UI instead of downloading it on the local machine
32) dentropy has started work.

Data is the new oil and everyone hands it away for free. The goal of Dentropy Cloud and then Dentropy Daemon is to deliver the NSA as an explicit service. Having a software suite that can capture all data a person generates so they can auction it off for insights and money will help bring the technological singularity a decade closer.
33) helloipm has started work.
34) des110 has started work.

Production, printing and installation, banner and wallpaper

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 100000.0 DAI (100000.00 USD @ $1.0/DAI) has been submitted by:

  1. @metlock
  2. @vporton
  3. @gabbieian38
  4. @aliceasuna94
  5. @cervoneluca
  6. @porobov
  7. @rekpero
  8. @izrake
  9. @t8
  10. @craze3
  11. @federicosan
  12. @jakub-wojciechowski
  13. @mikehibbert
  14. @mickeystar
  15. @jabyl
  16. @ivanmolto
  17. @htrap
  18. @lketchersid
  19. @ardriveapp
  20. @samhatem
  21. @hellomalaysia

@cedriking please take a look at the submitted work: