
The Arweave Open Web Foundry

cedriking opened this issue · 9 comments

The Arweave Open Web Foundry

October 15, 2021 - December 2nd, 2021

Make sure to join the Arweave Discord Dev server

The Open Web Foundry is a six-week programme guiding founders through the process of launching an amazing new startup on Arweave’s decentralised web. From initial idea, to product, to acquiring users and pitching to top-tier investors alongside other incredible founders, we are with you every step of the way. We welcome submissions from founders creating a new profit sharing community on Arweave, or further developing an existing one.

Arweave enables the development of fully decentralized, permanently hosted web applications. Not only that, but founders can use Arweave to form profit sharing communities (PSCs) around their applications as well, which represents a fundamentally new and fairer business model for their apps. You can find out more about profit sharing communities and their associated tokens here and here.

The Open Web Foundry is the fourth instalment of the incubation and acceleration programme . Already, more than $20,000,000 in seed investments have been made across the alumni of the first four batches. We’re very excited to inspire and support the latest batch of developers to quit their jobs and pursue something they love!

As well as potentially fundraising for your project, the Open Web Foundry offers:

  • Deep Dives every Wednesday by industry experts on foundational topics like pitching to professionals and designing effective investor and community pitch decks, as well as on topical subjects relevant to projects building right now.
  • Live support from profit sharing community experts on Discord, to answer questions, help troubleshoot throughout your development process, and brainstorm your ideas.
  • Weekly ‘Community Spotlight’ events on Fridays, where current and previous programme participants can showcase their work, learning from each other and getting an insight into the current ecosystem developments.
  • Expert, tailored, and individual support sessions for you, your co-founders and teammates, helping you to refine your presentation skills before you pitch for investment.
  • The programme culminates in Demo Day, an event allowing leading projects to showcase their work, and pitch for investment from the Arweave core team as well as supportive investors from throughout the Arweave ecosystem.

This programme delivers tailored resources and support to both brand new and existing profit sharing community teams who wish to push their projects to the next level.

Get Started!

All you need to do to get started is to register here on Gitcoin, and join the Arweave developers’ Discord server! Registrations are open to all, throughout the entire of the programme. We will notify you of upcoming events and deadlines as the programme progresses.

We also offer participants a small amount of AR tokens so you can get started building and deploying. Grab your wallet here, and check the web extension user guide here to learn how to use your wallet.

Key Resources

Rules and Criteria

Successful submissions will meet the following criteria:

  • Apps must be open source, with the full source code available on Github or another open code hosting repository. Feel free to use whatever OSS licence you prefer.
  • Your project will ideally be a profit sharing community on Arweave. The owners of the associated profit sharing token receive royalties from usage of the app.
  • By the end of the six-week programme, your project must include a link to a live, functioning, and running instance of the app itself, as well as a link to the repository it is stored within. It must also be published to ArweaveApps (see the submission process below).
  • Your UI will ideally be hosted on Arweave.
  • All applicants must join our Discord Dev server and share your submission in the #on-the-arweave channel upon completion.

Investment details

The Arweave core team will invest $100,000 USD in total across successful projects submitted during the Open Web Foundry programme. Third-party investors will also consider investing alongside Arweave. The Arweave investment will primarily be made in exchange for the project’s profit sharing tokens.

Selected projects will be presenting their submission during Demo Day, which will take place on December 2, with investment meetings following soon after.

Note: The bounty has a value of $100,000 USDC on Gitcoin, this is only a representation of the total investment pool of $100,000 USDC that is available - the specific currency will depend on the agreement with the investee(s).

Submission Deadline:

11:59pm EST on Dec 2nd 2021

Announcement Date:

Investments will be announced after the end of the programme.

See you on the permaweb!

-The Open Web Foundry Team

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 100000.0 USDC (100000.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to it.

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 100000.0 USDC (100000.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to it.

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 1 month, 3 weeks from now.
Please review their action plans below:

1) davidpius95 has started work.

To build a Dapp

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 8 months, 1 week ago.
Please review their action plans below:

1) victorsh has started work.

Snowdrops is a Solidity based project which will allow people from all over the world to create custom NFT greeting cards. They can then either send these greeting cards to whoever they choose with optionally attaching a token amount to the card. Users will also be able to buy or sell greeting cards on an NFT marketplace allowing users to both profit off of their creations, as well as purchase cards that truly stand out to them.
2) 10centscoder has started work.

Data Analysis for Crypto
3) gcbsumid has started work.

Rawrshak is a decentralized virtual gaming asset platform that standardizes the virtual asset format allowing for usage between unique gaming worlds. With Rawrshak's asset framework, it is possible for players to take acquired in-game items along with them as they jump from game world to game world.
4) tierralibre has started work.

Using a verifiable compute framework on top of the beam to run Earth Contracts.

Example ideas to explore:
Earth Restoration Age
5) jim-toth has started work.

Art By City’s mission is to provide artists with the tools to curate their permanent digital presence. Art By City helps artists to build communities while providing a personalized digital gallery experience for both the artist and their audiences.
6) forgottenmore has started work.

Permanently storing church sermon data and building profit-sharing community incentivized to build apps around this data. Examples, run journal entries and news through the content for guidance.
7) luckyr13 has started work.

Many people around the world is already using platforms like EdX, Udemy, Coursera or Pluralsight for learning purposes. All of these solutions are web2 platforms where the biggest problem is centralization. EdX and Coursera are mainly focused on making a bridge between Educational Institutions and people (formal education). Udemy and Pluralsight are more oriented to informal learners, where anyone can be an Instructor and start offering courses not necessarily backed by a formal Educational Institution.

We are building a permaweb dapp, a web 3 platform, where anyone can be an Instructor or a Student. In Wisdom Wizards you can create a course or take a course from another Instructor. We use the permaweb for storing all the course related materials like videos, presentations, images and documents. We are using smartweave contracts as well, instead of using a server side technology, we use a powerfull smartcontract in an effort of creating a truly decentralized platform.

The result: a decentralized platform where knowledge and wisdom can live forever on the permaweb.
8) chezhe has started work.

I will build a bookmark DApp which can collect web 2.0 into web 3.0
9) karthi1908 has started work.


arSatta is a decentralized prediction market on Arweave with aim of becoming trustless storage for predictions that are not actively available like politics, climate change, carbon prices, the spread of infectious disease. The main aim of arSatta is to democratize and decentralize the true knowledge for actionable inputs.

To become Universal Forecasting Tool so that it is preferred platform for any or all kinds of predictions

To enable all users to monetize knowledge and gain reputation so that people can identify the real experts in the crowd.

To create awareness on Social and Environmental Issues by running predictions on climate changes incidents, temperatures, carbon prices, covid counts so that people are aware of the seriousness of the prevailing conditions

To provide unbiased value discovery.
10) slava096 has started work.

PermThing проэкт децинтрализаной плошадки обмена моделями для 3д печати с возможностью прямых пожертвований авторам моделей на основе технологии Arweave , гарантирующий что любая опубликованная когда либо модель не когда не пропадет
11) l-tech has started work.

Arnen is a decentralised crowd funding platform for startups and projects(movies, infrastructures etc), the public is given the feature to own tokenised ownership in various projects. These platform will also provide a exchange platform to trade these tokenised ownerships
12) jake-at-gauss has started work.

A collaborative platform for building and monetizing open datasets
13) lhendre has started work.

Decentralized Technology to allow for permanent and interactive art/media on the web
14) 0xsheran has started work.

  • As web3 continues to explode, more people would seek to learn about everything web3 (Decentralization, Mining, Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, Defi, NFTs, Solidity etc.) and seek answers to a myriad questions.

  • Yet today, there's no easy way to do this:

    • You need to read multiple community wikis, official documentation, posts by Vitalik etc. to understand core concepts.
    • Reach out through multiple community chat platforms (Telegram, Discord, Reddit, Twitter), hoping someone would help you out.
    • Pay for exclusive membership through communities like FWB
    • Subscribe to channels on YouTube, read newsletters ( or explore blog posts (Medium, Coinbase Learn, Binance Academy) all controlled by centralized actors.
  • The goal of this project is to create a web3 native, decentralized question-answer community built on top of Arweave.

  • The idea is simple: People ask questions and others answer them, all information is stored on the PermaWeb (so they are not lost or forgotten) and participation is incentivized through upvotes (that cost you some coins and form a 'tip', a popular concept with Arweave apps today and impossible to do on blockchains like Etherium due to heavy gas fees)

  • NLP is used to categorize questions by communities, experience level, field etc. and we make it fun through a leaderboard and trending lists.

  • Launch strategy: Initially, we engage with Team Arweave to form this new knowledge-base learning from the information gaps we encounter participating in OFW, make it a success here and then expand to other communities.

  • Incentive Mechanics (beyond the first x questions):

  • Signing up, viewing answers and asking questions are all free.

  • Participants 'tip' to upvote a good question (especially if they have the same question): 100% of the reward distribution goes to the person who originally asked the question - forever.

  • Participants 'tip' to upvote a good answer: 20% to the question creator / 80% to the answer creator - forever.
    15) timingswap has started work.

The added functions of Timingswap are described as follows according to the Contract Name:
1、 Factory:only the statistics function of LP tokens in different pairs is added.The function of restricting the feeto address is added through the timelocker variable. After 100 blocks of the feeto address are set, the feeto address cannot be changed by the feetoseter..
2、 RouterV2:add the transaction volume statistics function getnumber for token-eth transaction pairs (the transaction volume is calculated based on the main network currency ETHER), and add the minting distribution function mintto of Timingtoken (ensure that the exchange will not cast Timingtoken repeatedly by comparing followblock and lastblock, so this function is defined as public and can be called by everyone), The distribution of Timingtoken is divided into two categories, which are different for traders and liquidity providers:
① The method for traders is to multiply the proportion of each trader's statistical trading volume in the total statistical trading volume in each block by 47.5% of the total minting volume of the Timingtoken in each block.
② The method for liquidity providers: first, according to the proportion of the statistical trading volume of a pool in each block to the total statistical trading volume in the block, multiply by the proportion of LP token supply volume of liquidity providers in the pool, and finally multiply by 47.5% of the total minting volume of Timingtoken in each block. (999827 / 1000000 is the adjustment factor for the increase of minting quantity due to the influence of initial liquidity of pool locking).
③ 5% of the total minting quantity of Timingtoken in each block is mint to the developer's address for fund.
Total minting capacity of Timingtoken: it is designed according to the principle of halving every 180 days. The theoretical total supply is no more than 21 million. The output of each block varies with the time of block out in different main networks (for example, the ETH main network has 4.41 blocks per minute, so the initial output of each block is designed to be 9.186765070277; the BSC main network has 20 blocks per minute, so the initial output of each block is designed to be 2.025462962962) , the corresponding Timingtoken of all Timingswap blocks without transaction volume cannot be digged out (equivalent to be burned).
3、 TimingGuarder:The feeto service charge of Timingswap is increased from 1 / 6 of uniswap v2 to 1 / 2, and the TimingGuarder contract address is setted to the feeto address. The contract has two main functions: function convertworth and function getback: ① function convertweth is used to convert all the service charges (the service charges are entered in the form of LP token) into weth. This function needs to be manually called by the user to obtain the latest baseprice (calculate the base price according to the weth stock in the contract corresponding to the total supply of Timingtoken at this time); ② the function getback is to automatically return the corresponding number of weth to the address of Timingtoken senders according to the base price in the contract and burn the Timingtoken in the contract.
4、 TimingToken: The ownership of Timingtoken has been transferred to the router contract, The token contract is based on the sushi token contract, only minor modifications are made, and the function burn method, function Tapprove authorization method and function transferfrom method are added.
16) phoebepoon has started work.

ISCN is a DApp for metadata registry on LikeCoin and Arweave.

This project is to build which content creators can register an ISCN (i.e. publish one's content on LikeCoin chain) for their metadata and save the content to Arweave. The ultimate project goal we wish to deliver is when writers/reporters post a story, they can choose to "publish it to blockchain" in one go, which essentially saves the content on Arweave, register an ISCN and mint and NFT.
17) thenhym has started work.

re:Text aims to decentralize publishing through Arweave and allow forking of created content. We aim to make it easier for writers big or small to be able to monetize their creations easily through a community supported platform.
18) douganderson444 has started work.

Easy way to store mutable data on the Arweave permaweb
19) unenunciate has started work.

A short-form video app for stand up comedians where all the content is NFTs of jokes.
20) nikolaeff80 has started work.

The project is at the stage of development of white paper.

Often you have to go through the KYC procedure on various resources. And they all receive our personal data. How do they store and manage them? I want to create an application based on p2p for going through this procedure. Validators from the network will receive rewards either in AR or in their own tokens. The verified account is saved on the blockchain. Then, for the procedure KYC, we use the hash of the block with our account. And we no longer send our data to anyone. Most importantly, our personal data will not be accumulated in one centralized location. It will take a lot of work to create this ecosystem.
21) feghalya has started work.

A full-stack peer-review academic ecosystem where funding is secured by a treasury with perpetual endowment and liquid NFT staking of open access academic papers. The ecosystem with be called Pubweave and the papers will be labeled: Pubweave ARticles (pARticles).
22) saijare has started work.

My Ethereum software will change Ethereum token and NFT business:
With Ethereum Solidity smart contacts programming language, C Sharp, Java and JavaScript, we finished the first part of our software for Ethereum databases. The software can design and make any database on Ethereum blockchain with parent-child relationships in between the tables. You can find full information about the Ethereum Databases Software Part 1 in this website:
This software was my master thesis project. The master is Management Information Systems MIS in Business School in AYBU university in Ankara city in Turkey. I finished the master on 30.8.2021 with average 3.89 from 4. Part 2 of this software will be continued in PhD which I started on 30.8.2021.
23) evanmarshall has started work.

I want to bring Arweave to the physical world. Using Arweave as the "coldish" wallet makes perfect sense as it enables you to encrypt a file yourself, upload it to Arweave and then have permanent access to that wallet.

To make an ARCoin, I created a tool that generates an html file using cryptographically secure password generation. The JWK used by arweave is too big to store in a standard QR code or just to write out, so I had to create a password generation scheme.

Making an ARCoin is simple, just run my code, save the password, and upload to arweave (using something like ardrive). I embedded the arweave url as a QR code and put the secure password inside the middle layer of the coin. So the only way to ever access the AR stored in the coin, you have to destory the coin.
24) benzfc has started work.

25) scaber has started work.

Data Analysis for Crypto
26) lopeselio has started work.

SOLHunt is a lightweight pixel Play To Earn, multiple NFT character dungeon loot game built on the Solana Blockchain, built with Phaser. Our motivation is to enable users to own what they earn.

We grew up with role-playing games in which characters, plots, and items were all important. Our main goal is to give players the sense of accomplishment and ownership. The game's clear 8-bit appearance is a throwback to the early 1990s games, but the gameplay is current and streamlined.
🎮 Secure authentication with phantom wallet
🎮 In Game Store
🎮 NFT rewards as Level Passes (can be seen inside the In-game inventory.
🎮 $DUN (SOLHunt game token) Token Rewards as Loot (SPL token)
🎮 Auto save game progress on chain
🎮 Metaplex Game storefront for buying game characters and using them as game assets as NFT. Every character is Rare and has unique abilities.**
🎮 Decentralised storage powered by ARWEAVE
🎮 Swap $SOL for $DUN(game token), on Serum DEX swap (ALPHA) in game to deposit token in escrow to play (COMING SOON)
🎮 SOLHunt DAO to reward game-artists assets through voting on Solana using $DUN token.
27) sagarjethideveloper has started work.

I am building something related to NFT + defi
28) lucasespinosa28 has started work.

This project allows you to pay with ethereum or any compatible chain to upload the file in Arweave , the project uses a smart contract to store the payment and a serverless function to upload the paid files.
29) vird has started work.

It enables possibility for DeFi on any blockchain to live forever without any maintain costs
Deployed demo
30) wind-protocol has started work.

WIND is a Metaverse build on Solana and arweave, it leveraged the technologies of decentralization,
cryptographic, artificial intelligence and computational generated visual and non visual information.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 100000.0 USDC (100000.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been submitted by:

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 100000.0 USDC (100000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been submitted by:

  1. @aftercarnival

@cedriking please take a look at the submitted work:

  • PR by @aftercarnival

My Ethereum software will change Ethereum token and NFT business:
With Ethereum Solidity smart contacts programming language, C Sharp, Java and JavaScript, we finished the first part of our software for Ethereum databases Arweave. The software can design and make any database on Ethereum blockchain with parent-child relationships in between the tables. You can find full information about the Ethereum Databases Software Part 1 in this website:
This software was my master thesis project. The master is Management Information Systems MIS in Business School in AYBU university in Ankara city in Turkey. I finished the master on 30.8.2021 with average 3.89 from 4. Part 2 of this software will be continued in PhD which I started on 30.8.2021.
Best Regards
Mounzer Saijare

Hey, I am not able to join the arweave discord .. wanted to share the project!