
Spring + Vue + Database AUT for experiments in tests

Primary LanguageJava

Spring secure JWM application

Created for testing purpose

How to use

  1. Set up Postgres or MySQL database (Postgres db by default), all needed dependency already added, need only to uncomment/comment appropriate properties in src/main/resources/application.properties
  2. Run spring service
./gradlew :service:bootRun
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl service
  1. Run vue js UI:
./gradlew :frontend:clean build serve
./mvnw clean install npm:start -pl frontend

[//]: # (TOOD) add maven commands 4. Go to http://localhost:8081/ for UI or http://localhost:8080 for REST API


Spring Boot Token based Authentication with Spring Security & JWT

Spring Boot + Vue.js: Authentication with JWT & Spring Security Example

GitHub repository