
Hello, I'm trying to your nice videos and examples. I have a problem in the following: Could you help me?

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### Explore_KLIFS_in_Kinase_Research_Part_8
bioactivities = (KLIFS_CLIENT.Ligands.get_bioactivity_list_pdb(ligand_PDB=structure.ligand).response().result
f"Number of ChEMBL bioactivity values available in KLIFS for example ligand {structure.ligand}: {len(bioactivities)}\n\n"
f"Example bioactivity:"

SwaggerMappingError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 2>()
1 import pandas as pd
----> 2 bioactivities = (KLIFS_CLIENT.Ligands.get_bioactivity_list_pdb(ligand_PDB=structure.ligand).response().result
3 )
4 display(
5 Markdown(

7 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bravado_core/ in _unmarshal_object(swagger_spec, model_type, properties_to_unmarshaling_function, additional_properties_unmarshaling_function, properties_to_default_value, discriminator_property, possible_discriminated_type_name_to_model, model_value)
278 """
279 if not is_dict_like(model_value):
--> 280 raise SwaggerMappingError(
281 "Expected type to be dict for value {0} to unmarshal to a {1}."
282 "Was {2} instead.".format(model_value, model_type, type(model_value)),

SwaggerMappingError: Expected type to be dict for value [400, 'KLIFS error: No bioactivities for kinases are available from ChEMBL for this ligand.'] to unmarshal to a <class 'abc.Error'>.Was <class 'list'> instead.