
Charcoal Recipe?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

For some reason, when I have your mod enabled in MultiMC, I can't make charcoal, and REI doesn't even show the recipe. This doesn't happen when I disable your mod.

I'm using 1.14.4 Fabric Build 13, Loader 0.6.3 Build 167 with the mods:
Auto Json 1.14.4-1.1.0
Custom Records 1.0.1
Fabric API 0.4.0 build 240-1.14
JSON Model Extensions 1.0.0 build 56
Mod Menu 1.7.11 build 121
Mouse Wheelie 1.3.5 1.14.4
Optifabric 0.5.2
preview Optifine 1.14.4 HD U F4 pre7
Roughly Enough Items 3.1.5 build 26

I hopefully fixed the issue in a new build, grab CustomRecords 1.0.2