
Cabinet Manager doesn't show tabs for all connected Cabinets

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Storage Cabinet 1.4.2 Fabric for 1.18.1
I am, however, still able to input items into all connected cabinets through the manager even if a tab for that cabinet isn't showing.


I have 24 Cabinets total currently, but only 16 tabs are showing up.

Here is my latest log and all the other mods I'm using if it helps:

Same issue here... Can't connect more than 11 cabinets

Having similar issues using v1.5.4 Fabric (mod pack is Dreamcraft 1.19.2 v3). I did some testing and it doesn't appear to be a hard limit. Rather it seems like an issue with how the GUI is calculating the number of pages to display at 12+ cabinets. The page count calculation is assuming that every page after the first has 10 tabs instead of the 5 that are actually displayed.

I did a test with 50 cabinets in a straight line and added a graphical representation of how many pages were displayed each time a cabinet was added.
Green shows where the expected number of pages is correct, white shows the expected number of expected pages and red shows the actual number of pages. The stones at the top mark 5 and 10 increments in number of cabinets.

All of the cabinets are accessible to the cabinet manager for storing items even if you can't view them; I was able to add 50 different tags and fill up all the cabinets in this test.