
The Millennial Roadmap is a timeline of events leading up to the year 3039, the setting of science fiction game. Spanning almost a thousand years from the present day, this roadmap sets the stage for the story and world of the game.

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The Millennial Roadmap

The Millennial Roadmap is a timeline of events leading up to the year 3039, the setting of science fiction game. Spanning almost a thousand years from the present day, this roadmap sets the stage for the story and world of the game. The focal point of the timeline is the reign of Queen Naina, who comes to the throne in the Asha Empire in the year 3029. After 10 years of this event marks the beginning of the game, and sets the stage for the story and conflicts that will unfold within the Asha Empire and beyond.

Path to the Asha Empire


In 2029, the first moon outpost or Luna Base was established. Different companies from the UK, EU, USA and China started mining on the Moon.


The first Fusion Reactor started to be built on Moon to use the H3 resources found on the moon.

Humanity established its first colony on Mars in 2036. For the first time outside of Earth, they truly settled another planet. Hundreds of scientists from different branches went to Mars to research and work. Despite the presence of fossils and life remains from millions of years ago on Mars, unfortunately, despite all the research, even single-celled life has not been found.


Different companies from the UK, EU, USA, Japan, Mexico, India, Russia, Brazil and China started mining on the Mars. A consortium of US, EU and Chinese companies has started to build the first Mars Spaceship Industries (MSI) factory on Mars. This factory will be 99% run by robots.


The first Nuclear Power Plant with a fission reactor began operation on Mars. With the elimination of the energy shortage, more industrial facilities and settlements on Mars accelerated to develop. The New Eden site was set up in Mars' Elysium quadrangle as the most popular location. This site was built using advanced technologies such as 3D printing and Solanium construction materials.


The Agricultural Industry on Mars has caused imports of wheat and corn from Earth to drop to zero. The new generation of sheep developed by geneticists on Mars was able to successfully breeding and live. Sheep farm industry was established. Within a few decades, a colony of thousands of people was settled on Mars.


The mining of resources on the Moon led to a major technological and industrial revolution on Earth. This includes the development of new materials, energy sources, and propulsion systems. The discovery of a new element called "Solanium" on the Moon, with its unique properties of extreme durability and energy conductivity, leads to a new era of advanced technologies such as faster-than-light travel and artificial intelligence.


The first Fusion reactor was operated successfully in the Moon. After this success, the construction of the Fusion reactors started in the city of Bushehr on Earth, 600km north of the New Eden site on Mars' Cebrenia quadrangle.


BioNTech Inc. represent Organ cultivation or regrowth, is a biomass production process to regrow or produce organs that have been damaged in some way. This process involves using a patient's own DNA to grow replacement organs or tissue in a laboratory setting. This can be done by taking a small sample of cells from the patient, reprogramming them into stem cells, and then using these cells to grow the replacement organ or tissue.


The first self-sustaining city on Mars, named New Eden it was just a site before, was established. This city was built using advanced technologies such as 3D printing and Solanium construction materials. It was powered by a combination of fusion energy, solar power, and nuclear power. The city was designed to be completely self-sufficient, with a closed-loop ecosystem that included food production, waste recycling, and water purification.


The Mars United Republic (MUR) was formed, comprising the Martian colonies, lunar outposts, and the Earth-based companies that supported them. The MUR quickly became a major economic and political power, with a population of over one million people. Since the barriers of religious beliefs on Earth are not on Mars, MUR's advanced technologies and resources have made it a leader in the development and invention of new technologies.


The MUR government invests heavily in the development of advanced artificial intelligence, leading to the creation of highly advanced AI systems that are able to perform a wide range of tasks, from managing and maintaining the cities' infrastructure to designing and building new technologies.


The MUR government, in partnership with BioNTech Inc., develops a revolutionary new medical technology called "RegenTech", which is able to regrow and replace damaged or diseased organs using the patient's own DNA. This technology is quickly adopted by hospitals and clinics throughout the MUR, greatly improving the overall health and longevity of the population.

RegenTech, also known as regenerative technology, is a field of medicine that involves the use of various techniques to regrow or repair damaged or diseased tissue, organs, and cells. The goal of RegenTech is to restore function and improve the quality of life for patients with chronic conditions or injuries.

One of the key technologies in RegenTech is organ cultivation or regrowth. This process is still under research, but the first successful operation was performed by BioNTech Inc. in 2065. The company used this technology to regrow a damaged liver in a patient who had liver disease. Since then, BioNTech Inc. and other companies have continued to research and develop this technology, and have successfully regrown other organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys.

RegenTech has the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine, as it offers a way to repair or replace damaged or diseased tissue and organs without the need for organ donation or transplants. It also has the potential to treat a wide range of conditions, including organ failure, chronic diseases, and injuries. However, it is important to note that this technology is still in its early stages of development and more research and testing is needed before it can be widely adopted.


With the success of RegenTech, the MUR government begins investing heavily in the development of other advanced medical technologies, such as nanotechnology-based treatments and gene editing. The MUR becomes a leader in the field of medicine, attracting top scientists and researchers from all over the world.


The MUR government, in collaboration with other nations and private companies, launches a massive project to terraform Mars, using advanced technologies such as geoengineering and climate manipulation to turn the red planet into a more Earth-like environment. This project is expected to take several centuries to complete, but it is seen as a necessary step towards making Mars a truly habitable planet


By 2100, the replacement of all existing fission reactors with fusion reactors on Earth would be a gradual process that would take several decades to complete. The process would require significant investments in research and development, as well as large-scale infrastructure projects to build new fusion power plants. Despite the challenges, the benefits of fusion energy, such as its clean and virtually limitless energy source, would make it a worthwhile investment.

On the other hand, the successful operation of the first fusion reactor on Mars would provide a reliable and abundant source of energy for the growing Martian colony. This, in turn, would attract more settlers to Mars and accelerate the development of infrastructure and industry on the planet.

As the population growth on Earth continues to strain the planet's resources, more and more people would look to Mars as a viable option for living. Scientists and soldiers would be among the first to colonize Mars, but eventually, the colony would expand to include a diverse range of people, including families, entrepreneurs, and retirees.

The colony would continue to develop and grow, with new technologies and resources being brought from Earth to support the colony's infrastructure and economy. This would include advanced materials, robotics, and artificial intelligence, which would help to make the colony more self-sufficient and sustainable.

The colonization of Mars would also present many challenges, such as the harsh Martian environment, limited resources, and the need for advanced technologies to support human life.


In 2110, the terraforming of Mars continued to progress, with the creation of a habitable atmosphere and the introduction of Earth-like flora and fauna. The MUR government, in partnership with private companies, began building large-scale cities and infrastructure to support the growing population.

As the population on Mars increased, the demand for resources also increased. In order to meet this demand, the MUR government began to invest heavily in the development of advanced mining and extraction technologies, such as automated robotic mining and 3D printing.

The MUR also continued to invest in the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and biotechnology. The MUR's strong economy and highly skilled workforce attracted many top scientists and researchers from around the world.

In 2110, the MUR also began to establish trade and diplomatic relations with other nations and extraterrestrial civilizations. The MUR's advanced technologies and resources made it a valuable trading partner, and it quickly became a major player in the interplanetary economy.

In addition, 2110 also marks the first manned mission to Europa, one of Jupiter's moon with the goal of finding microbial life in the subsurface ocean beneath the icy surface. The discovery of microbial life on Europa would be a major breakthrough in the field of astrobiology and would have significant implications for the search for life elsewhere in the universe.


Earth continued to face challenges related to population growth, climate change and resource scarcity. Efforts to address these issues have included increased investment in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and urban planning, as well as research into new technologies such as advanced artificial intelligence, biotechnology and materials science. To address global challenges such as poverty, inequality and political instability, nations and private companies collaborated to form United Nation Repubic (UNR). In addition, with the developments in fusion reactors, it may be possible for us to have a more sustainable energy source that can reduce dependence on fossil fuels.


UNR started to develop laser weapons for using by the military or law enforcement. However, the development and implementation of such technology solved the problem of the energy required using very little "Solanium". But it is worth noting that the use of laser weapons in warfare is still being debated as it raises religious, ethical and legal questions.


At UNR's request, and with advances in propulsion technology, PT Inc. completed the development of space torpedoes, which are essentially laser guided missiles capable of traveling in space.


In 2150, the Martian colony has grown to become a fully-fledged city, with a population of over a million people. The terraforming process is still ongoing, but the atmosphere has been stabilized, and the planet has become much more hospitable to human life. The city has advanced infrastructure, including high-rise buildings, transportation systems, and a robust economy.

The MUR government has continued to invest in advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology, which has led to significant advances in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing. The colony has also developed a thriving space industry, with private companies launching regular missions to other planets and moons in the solar system.

On Earth, the UNR has continued to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality through the use of advanced technologies and international cooperation. The use of laser weapons and space torpedoes has become more widespread, but the ethical and legal implications of their use are still being debated.

The UNR has also continued to explore other planets and moons in the solar system, with the goal of finding more habitable worlds and expanding humanity's presence in the universe. The discovery of microbial life on Europa has sparked renewed interest in the search for life elsewhere in the universe, and new missions are being planned to explore other potentially habitable worlds.


Ademus Corp. the most advanced spaceship factory established in Earth orbit. This was an important project supported by UNR against the technology developments of Mars.


In 2175, the colonization of Mars has reached a new level of maturity, with multiple cities and settlements spread across the planet. The MUR government has continued to invest in the development of advanced technologies, including the development of fusion reactors for commercial use, which has made the colony even more self-sufficient and sustainable.

The terraforming process has also continued to progress, with the creation of a more Earth-like environment and the introduction of new flora and fauna. The MUR has also begun to focus on developing a space-based economy, with private companies launching regular missions to other planets and moons in the solar system for mining and resource extraction.

On Earth, the UNR has continued to address global challenges and has made significant progress in areas such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and urban planning. The use of laser weapons and space torpedoes has become more widespread, but the ethical and legal implications of their use are still being debated.

The UNR has also continued to explore other planets and moons in the solar system, with the goal of finding more habitable worlds and expanding humanity's presence in the universe. The discovery of microbial life on Europa has sparked renewed interest in the search for life elsewhere in the universe, and new missions are being planned to explore other potentially habitable worlds, such as Saturn's moon Enceladus, which has subsurface ocean, and Titan, which is believed to have a subsurface ocean of liquid water beneath an icy crust.


In 2200, with the developments in Fusion reactors, they were reduced in size and started to be used as engines in spaceships. It has been ensured that Fusiun Engines can be easily integrated into spaceships of different sizes. This development has made space travel easier and faster.


Reaching the asteroid belt and starting mining in 2204 was considered a breakthrough for humanity. They were building up space outposts in different places to set up easy supply lines between Earth, Mars and asteroid belt.

However, due to the long travelling times, people could not get out of these regions, space between Earth, Mars and the asteroid belt. They mostly have been content with sending satellites and unmanned spacecraft beyond the asteroid belt.


In 2225, with the successful mining of resources in the asteroid belt and the establishment of space outposts, the interplanetary economy began to flourish. Private companies and nations competed to extract and trade valuable resources such as water, rare metals, and radioactive materials.


In 2250, the technology for terraforming planets and moons had advanced significantly. The UNR, MUR and other nations began to explore and colonize other planets and moons in the solar system, such as Venus and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The use of the Fusion engine greatly facilitated this expansion as it made travel to these distant worlds much faster and more efficient, but of course this travel speed was not enough.


In 2275, the colonization and terraforming of other worlds in the solar system had progressed to the point where they were becoming self-sufficient. The UNR, MUR and other nations began to focus on the exploration and colonization of exoplanets. The development of new technologies such as research for faster-than-light travel and advanced artificial intelligence were crucial to this next step in humanity's galaxy expansion. UNR and MUR and some private companies were working hard to get out of the solar system.


With the developments in fusion engines in the 2300s, with new engines named the Pusion Engine (Fusion Plus) the speed of spaceships reached from 11000km/sec to 33000km/sec. The first habitable space station was established near the asteroid belt, as the logistical problems were quickly resolved by the Pusion engine.


In 2325, the first successful manned mission to an exoplanet "Proxima Centauri b" was carried out. The UNR-led mission used Pusion Engine technology. It will take years to reach the exoplanet, but the prospect of discovery of new life forms and the potential for new resources have sparked a new wave of exploration and colonization efforts.


In 2360, the colonization and terraforming of Proxima Centauri b had become a reality, now called Proxitauri. The UNR, MUR and other nations have begun to establish permanent settlements on these planet, and the Pusion Engine technology has made it possible for these settlements to be self-sustaining. The focus of these settlements is on resource extraction and scientific research.


In 2385, the Proxitauri colonies had grown to become thriving communities, with a growing population and increasing economic activity. The UNR, MUR and other nations have begun to establish trade routes between the Proxitauri colonies and the solar system, which has led to a booming intergalactic economy. The focus of these trade routes is on exchanging resources and technology, and the Pusion Engine technology has made it possible for these trade routes to be efficient and fast. The UNR, MUR and other nations have also begun to establish diplomatic relations with any potential alien civilization they may encounter. The focus of these diplomatic efforts is on peaceful coexistence and cooperation.


In the 2400s after lots of space outposts, a few space stations and and settlements on some dwarf planets of the asteroid belt, such as Ceres and Vesta were built, the largest Space Hub in the solar system named it Galilean Hub, inhabited by a million people, was built near Jupiter. Then were built settlements on Jupiter's moons of Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto and Saturn's moons of Titan.


In 2425, Proxitauri colonies had become a vital part of the intergalactic economy and society. They were not only a source of valuable resources, but also served as research centers for advanced technologies and scientific discoveries. The UNR, MUR and other nations have also established a network of communication and trade routes between the Proxitauri colonies and the solar system, allowing for the exchange of goods, people, and ideas.


The Proxitauri Republic (PR) was established.


Around the year 2450, humanity dispersed to most of the solar system and the Proxima Centauri, established different space stations and conquered the solar system and Proxima Centauri with the technologies they reached. However, after the dispersal of humanity in the solar system, some political problems arose and regional conflicts were experienced.


In 2475, the conflicts and political tensions between the various space-faring nations and colonies reached a boiling point, leading to a full-scale intergalactic war. The war was fought primarily over control of resources and territory, as well as ideological differences. The war would be devastating for all involved and last for several decades, with a significant loss of life and resources. The war would also result in the destruction of several colonies and space stations.


As UNR is used to being the strongest all the time, the battle doesn't go its way and starts to lose their outposts one by one.


In 2505, millions of people died in the nuclear attacks on Mars. Attacks on outposts around the Galilean Hub killed thousands of people, and attacks on Earth more than a billion people died. Meanwhile, Jupiter's moon Io was destroyed, and As a result, a very important civilian research laboratory was destroyed by UNR navy forces, along with its scientists and their families.


After the Io research lab was destroyed, the Galilean Hub, MUR and PR became allies against Earth. Earth began to fight against the entire solar system and Proxima Centauri, one by one it began to lose own space outposts.


The United Nations of Earth (UNR) is on the brink of defeat in the ongoing war. The situation is dire and it is clear to all that UNR is losing, but they refuse to give up and continue to fight. The thought of their colonies being defeated by their enemies is unbearable to them, and they are determined to endure until the end.


After major losses on Earth in recent years, Clonex Corp. presented the use of cloning technology, which is the result of long long much researchs. People can insure themselves in cloning offices and easily come back to life in case of their possible death. In war with Mars and the Galilean Hub, this invention completely changed the situation of Earth.


After all this turmoil and conflicts, in 2550, the people of the solar system formed a union and decided to establish a central government. The earth-centered government, made up of people spread over the solar system, was called the United States of Solar System (USSS).


Peace was signed between the USSS and PR and it was agreed to cooperate in different fields.


In 2576, a historic event took place when a natural wormhole was discovered near the dwarf planet Orcus. The United States of Solar System (USSS) navy was quick to protect the wormhole and prevent anyone from getting close. At first, because of no settlement on the dwarf planet Orcus, the scientists thought that the wormhole was a reflection of the planet's moon Vanth, but as the exploration drones revealed the truth, it became clear that the wormhole was something much more significant, the USSS navy has been protected the wormhole and wouldn't let anyone get close.


It turned out that the wormhole had opened up leading to an unexplored and unidentified star system after the scientists did their initial research and several drones had successfully passed and returned through the wormhole.

In the first few decades only the best scientists in the solar system toghether with navy officers have gone through the wormhole and set up a space station and explored and searched for planets and then after have colonized the most suitable planet.

Scientists have determined that the reason why this new system and the galaxy has not been identified before, because it is not in the observable universe that can be seen from the solar system and they have determined its distance to solar system is approximately 75 billion light years.

Humanity finally discovers that there is extraterrestrial life, but they have not encountered a creature as intelligent as humans. They found a habitable planet with different kinds of animals and plants. They found a new kind of energy source stone on this planet which they called Saian that is similar to Amethyst stone. They named this new planet as Saiantum.

Scientists named this new system as Vita Nova for hoping to new life and its galaxy as Asha because they thought this new galaxy is the symbol of truth and existence.


Humanity, having used up most of Solar System's resources through centuries of explosive population growth, began colonizing newly found star system Vita Nova. The colonies began to flourish, and all was looking good under USSS navy control.


As the colonies in Vita Nova continue to thrive and expand, the USSS begins to focus on building infrastructure and improving communication between the colonies. The discovery of Saian, the new energy source, leads to technological advancements and increased industrialization on the planet.


Tensions begin to rise as resources on Saiantum become scarce and competition for them increases. The USSS struggles to maintain control and keep the peace among the colonies.


As the decades pass, the colonies on Saiantum continue to evolve and develop independently of the rest of humanity. The USSS becomes a distant memory and new societies and governments form on the planet. Communication and travel between the different colonies remains difficult, leading to a diverse array of cultures and technologies.


And then, after 100 years at 2692, the wormhole collapsed, how it was formed. With the collapse of the wormhole, the colonies in Vita Nova are effectively cut off from the rest of humanity. The USSS began to lose control as different factions within the colonies vied for power and resources.

Scientists in all colonies in Vita Nova began to work together on very different researches, developments and new inventions in order to communicate and even reach the solar system or Proxima Centauri. But the distance is too long, making this developments almost impossible.


The desperate search to re-establish contact with Earth persisted, but success remained elusive. Scientists from all colonies in Vita Nova, embarking on diverse research endeavors, developments, and groundbreaking inventions, all in pursuit of the dream to communicate or even reach the distant solar system or Proxima Centauri. However, the staggering cosmic distances proved to be an almost insurmountable obstacle, casting a shadow of frustration on their endeavors.


The colonies in Vita Nova had undergone significant growth and development, solidifying their status as major players in the Asha galaxy. Yet, the quest to re-establish contact with Earth remained a paramount goal for countless scientists and researchers, driving their relentless pursuit of a solution amidst the vastness of space.


In 2768 Warp Engine invented. The warp engine depending on the size of the spaceships allows spaceships to accelerate up to 1500 times the speed of light. The only problem with the warp engine is that it consumes a lot of energy. But the Warp Engine wasn't enough to reach Earth because it doesn't seem possible to get enough energy sources for that to happen.

The Warp Engine allowed the colonies to move out of the Vita Nova system into other systems of the galaxy. This situation posed a problem. They can travel much faster than the speed of light, but when they wanted to communicate with each other, they were able to communicate at a maximum speed of light. This required scientists to focus on this issue.


In the year 2769, humanity began establishing colonies in other systems within the Asha galaxy. These colonies were set up on planets such as Novus in the Viridis system and Tierra planet in the Patrius system. This was made possible by the invention of the warp engine, which allowed spaceships to travel at faster-than-light speeds, enabling the colonization of distant star systems. These colonies served as outposts for humanity, providing new resources and opportunities for growth and expansion.


In 2770, the Quantum Particle Network (QPN) was invented and communication between star systems was easy. It serves to communicate and transfer data faster than the speed of light with QPN. Scientists tried to send a message to the solar system, but it didn't help, they probably thought that this technology had not been invented in the solar system yet.

Quantum Particle Network (QPN) is a technology that uses quantum particles to transmit information faster than the speed of light. This technology utilizes properties of quantum particles such as superposition and entanglement to transmit data over large distances almost instantaneously. This allows for communication between colonies in different star systems, overcoming the limitation of traditional communication methods that were limited to the speed of light. QPN works are based on principles of quantum physics and information theory, such as quantum teleportation or quantum key distribution.


In 2774, scientists in the Vita Nova colonies developed a breakthrough technology for creating wormholes. This technology allows for instantaneous travel from one point in space to another, eliminating the need for long and dangerous interstellar journeys. However, the energy requirements to create these wormholes are enormous, and it is not currently possible to create stable, long-lasting wormholes. This limits the distance that can be traveled through a single wormhole to a few light-years.


With the discovery of the Saian stone, a new energy source that provides enormous amounts of energy, scientists in Vita Nova colonies were able to harness enough energy to develop technology for creating stable wormholes. These wormholes were able to connect two points in space, allowing for instantaneous travel, but the large energy requirements meant that it was only possible to create wormholes that spanned between 15-20 light years.


Advances in wormhole technology have given hope of reaching the solar system again. The technology of creating wormholes has advanced to the point where it is now referred to as Stargate technology. This technology allows for instant transportation between two points in space, but the energy required to create long wormholes is still prohibitively high. Despite these limitations, the development of Stargates has significantly improved interstellar travel and communication.


But the situation changed after the first Stargate was built in 2811. It turned out that it was impossible to build Stargates all the way to the Solar System, or even any star system down of the Milky Way, because Stargates were too costly to build and operate. As a result, the humans were unable to reach their home planet and the dream of returning to Earth was crushed. This led to chaos and war broke out between different planets, space stations, and hubs of the Asha galaxy as factions fought for control of the limited resources and territory.


The war between the different factions in Asha galaxy continued to escalate. As resources became increasingly scarce, many planets, space stations, and hubs were forced to band together for protection and to secure access to resources. These alliances formed the foundation for larger and more powerful factions, which eventually led to the formation of powerful empires.


The planet of Helios, known for its rich mineral resources, was a key target for many of the factions. A fierce battle ensued as both the Sanaturnian Alliance and the Hovian Confederation fought for control of the planet. The Sanaturnians, with their advanced technology and superior numbers, were able to gain the upper hand and ultimately defeated the Hovians, securing control of Helios for themselves.


Walter Friessner was born.


The planet of Polaris, located in the New Andromeda system, was home to a powerful faction known as the Polaris Confederation. They had a well-trained and equipped military, as well as advanced technology and resources. A warlord by the name of Walter Friessner saw them as a major threat to his system Viridis system and launched a massive invasion to conquer the planet. The battle was brutal and lasted for several months, but ultimately, Walter emerged victorious and the Polaris Confederation was dissolved.


In the early 2962, a powerful warlord by the name of Walter Friessner emerged as a leader of one of the strongest factions. He was a descendant of German immigrants who had fled to the Asha galaxy in the early days of colonization. He was a brilliant military strategist and was able to unite many of the factions under his leadership.

Walter's empire was known for its powerful military and advanced technology, which allowed him to conquer planet after planet. He was able to defeat his rivals and establish control over Viridis system. He then declared himself Emperor of the Viridis system and established his capital on the planet Novus.


The empire faced a major rebellion on the planet of Arcturus, located in the Cygnus system. The inhabitants of Arcturus, known as the Arcturans, had grown discontent with the empire's rule and had begun to organize a resistance movement. Emperor Walter was able to suppress the rebellion with the help of his loyal troops, but it resulted in heavy losses on both sides.


The empire faced an unexpected attack from the planet of Nandromeda. The Nandromedans, who were known for their advanced technology and powerful warships, launched a surprise assault on the empire's stronghold in the Viridis system. The empire was caught off guard, but Emperor Walter was able to rally his forces and repel the Nandromedan invasion.


The empire faced a major threat from the planet of Gamma Cephei, located in the Cepheus system. The Cepheans were known for their powerful psychic abilities and had formed a powerful psychic army. Emperor Walter was able to defeat the Cepheans with the help of a special psychic-neutralizing weapon.


The empire faced a major threat from the planet of Altauri. The Altaurians, who were known for their advanced technology and powerful warships, had formed a powerful alliance with other planets in the galaxy. Emperor Walter was able to defeat the Altaurians with the help of a special weapon that could destroy entire planets.


In the following years, Emperor Walter continued to expand the own empire through military conquest and diplomacy. He implemented policies aimed at increasing the power of the central government and suppressing dissent. He also established a powerful intelligence agency to root out potential threats to his rule.


Despite these measures, the empire faced many challenges, including economic instability and internal conflicts. Nevertheless, the empire managed to survive and continue to expand its territory until 3009, when Emperor Walter established control over the entire Asha galaxy.

3009... or 0...

After a prolonged conflict, Walter Friessner declared himself the Emperor of the Asha galaxy and began a campaign of conquest, successfully establishing the Asha Empire. Initially, Emperor Walter intended to establish a democratic government, but as rebellions and betrayals arose, he adopted a more authoritarian rule. He also introduced the Asha Empire Credit (AEC) as the primary currency of the empire, replacing the USSS dollar.

The capital of the Asha Empire was established by Emperor Walter on the planet Novus in the Viridis system.

3023... or 14...

Years have passed and it is now 3023, but Emperor Walter Friessner declared the foundation of the Asha Empire as the reference point for the calendar, so the current year is now referred to as 14.

The Imperial navy forces of the Asha Empire have taken control of all the settled star systems, planets and stations in the Asha galaxy. However, humans continue to explore and settle in new systems and planets. As long as these new settlements do not pose a threat to the empire, the imperial navy has chosen not to exert control over them, as the cost of doing so is deemed too high. Instead, the inhabitants of these new systems are allowed to live freely, as long as they do not challenge the authority of the empire.


This decision has proven to be a wise one, as many of these new systems have begun to flourish under the autonomy and self-governance. Trade and commerce have flourished between these systems and the Empire, and many have even begun to pay tribute to the Empire in exchange for protection and support.


In the following year, the Empire continued to expand its territory through colonization and diplomacy. The government established new colonies on uninhabited planets, and established trade agreements with other civilizations. The empire's economy grew steadily as a result of this expansion, and the standard of living for citizens improved.

However, this new era of expansion and prosperity has also brought new challenges for the Empire. As more and more systems join the Empire, the central government must adapt to accommodate the diverse needs and cultures of these new subjects. Additionally, the Empire must also contend with the threat of rogue factions and bandits who seek to exploit the new systems for their own gain.


However, as the empire expanded, it also faced new challenges. The government struggled to maintain control over the new colonies and there were frequent uprisings and rebellions. Additionally, the empire's rapid expansion strained its resources and the government had to implement strict rationing policies to avoid shortages.


Despite these challenges, the Empire managed to maintain stability and continue to grow and remains strong and continues to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the Asha galaxy. Under the guidance of the Imperial navy, the Empire's reach continues to expand, and the people enjoy peace and prosperity. The government implemented policies aimed at improving the lives of citizens and addressing the concerns of the colonies. The empire's military also continued to expand, and it became one of the most powerful in the galaxy.


Asha empire faced new challenges as new civilizations and empires emerged in the galaxy. The government had to adapt to these new challenges and maintain the empire.

The empire, under the leadership of Emperor Walter, had become a dominant force in the Asha galaxy, but the cost of maintaining control over the entire galaxy was becoming increasingly costly. The emperor decided to focus on consolidating and solidifying control over the systems that were already under the empire's rule, while allowing new colonies and settlements to flourish in the systems that were not considered a threat to the empire.


Emperor Walter Friessner died in the year 20 at the age of 92. His daughter Naina Friessner took the throne as queen.

Long live Queen Naina...


In the year 21, a powerful rebellion emerged in the outer rim of the empire. The rebels, led by a charismatic leader named Marcus Fulker, sought to overthrow Queen Naina and establish a democratic government. The rebellion quickly gained momentum and threatened to destabilize the empire.


Queen Naina responded to the rebellion by deploying the imperial navy to crush the uprising. The war was brutal and lasted for several years. The rebels were ultimately defeated and Marcus was captured and executed. However, the cost of the war was high and the empire was left weakened.


In the aftermath of the rebellion, Queen Naina implemented a series of reforms aimed at addressing the issues that had led to the uprising. She established a more representative government and implemented policies to improve the lives of the people in the outer rim. These efforts helped to restore stability to the empire and prevent further rebellions.


With the empire stabilized, Queen Naina was able to focus on expanding the empire's territory and increasing its power. She sent explorers to new star systems in search of new resources and established colonies on new planets to support the growing population. The imperial navy was also strengthened, and new ships and weapons were developed to protect the empire's borders.