
Allied Race Hunters - Starting Pets

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It's an sql query which adds 4 rows to the playercreateinfo_cast_spell table.

Current behaviour:

All 4 allied race hunters starts without the basic pets.

Expected behaviour:

When any allied race will start a hunter now they get their first pet.

Project(s): <-- Mandatory

  • [x ] Issue found playing in Live Ashamane Private Server.
  • Issue found in a compiled master repo from Git.

TC rev. hash/commit:

TrinityCore rev. 2e92d50 2020-03-22 21:43:18 +0300 (legion branch) (Unix, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon)

Database version

ACLDB 735.01

Operating system: Debian 10

INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_cast_spell (raceMask, classMask, spell, note)
VALUES (134217728, 4, 259084, 'Highmountain Tauren - Hunter - Great Eagle');

INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_cast_spell (raceMask, classMask, spell, note)
VALUES (536870912, 4, 259085, 'Lightforged Draenei - Hunter - Lightforged Talbuk');

INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_cast_spell (raceMask, classMask, spell, note)
VALUES (268435456, 4, 259086, 'Void Elf - Hunter - Shadowstalker');

INSERT INTO playercreateinfo_cast_spell (raceMask, classMask, spell, note)
VALUES (67108864, 4, 259087, 'Nightborne - Hunter - Blue Mana Saber');