scriptmgr.cpp crash now when starting server
firelook opened this issue · 5 comments
Script named 'npc_quest_107242' does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named 'npc_quest_107241' does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script named 'npc_quest_107243' does not have a script name assigned in database.
Script 'merayl_q42159' already assigned with the same script name, so the script can't work.
D:\users_sys\games\wow\mangos\git\AshamaneCore\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptMgr.cpp:956 in SpecializedScriptRegistry<class CreatureScript,1>::AddScript ABORTED.
Project(s): <-- Mandatory
- [X ] Issue found in a compiled master repo from Git.
TC rev. hash/commit:
TrinityCore rev. 2bd554e23db6+ 2020-04-06 03:47:51 +0200 (master branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
Database version
Operating system: Windows 10
zone_azshuna.cpp// new merayl_q42159("merayl_q42159"); this 2x in the zone script. just delete the latest.
would you mind to be more explicit please: is it in the db ? which table ?
what? if you ask me, in the core. scripts/
I take a look but it is above my head, too complicated
I have removed new merayl_q42159("merayl_q42159"); on line 1899 for zone_azshuna.cpp and it worked => seems a small bug