
Compile error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

doesn't compile with version as of Commits on Apr 14, 2020

ÉCHEC de la build.

"D:\users_sys\games\wow\mangos\git\AshamaneCore\bin\AshamaneCore.sln" (cible par défaut) (1) ->
"D:\users_sys\games\wow\mangos\git\AshamaneCore\bin\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj.metaproj" (cible par défaut) (2) ->
"D:\users_sys\games\wow\mangos\git\AshamaneCore\bin\src\server\game\game.vcxproj.metaproj" (cible par défaut) (42) ->
"D:\users_sys\games\wow\mangos\git\AshamaneCore\bin\src\server\game\game.vcxproj" (cible par défaut) (43) ->
(ClCompile cible) ->
D:\users_sys\games\wow\mangos\git\AshamaneCore\src\server\game\Spells\SpellEffects.cpp(5505,36): error C2065: 'SUMMON_TYPE_UNK17': undeclared identifier [D:\users_sys\games\wow\mangos\git\AshamaneCore\bin\src\server\game\game.vcxproj]

Project(s): <-- Mandatory

  • Issue found playing in Live Ashamane Private Server.
  • [ x] Issue found in a compiled master repo from Git.

TC rev. hash/commit:

CHANGEME Mandatory if Project == compiled master repo from Git, found it in first line of Server.log

Database version


Operating system: CHANGEME OS

windows 10

        -if (properties->Control != SUMMON_TYPE_UNK17)
        +if (SummonTitle(properties->Control) != SummonTitle::Spirit)

you are right !
it is working now !!!
thanks a lot

solved / integrated in latest commit