
Starting area - disconnects when turning in quests

Opened this issue · 8 comments


When playing in a new starting area, you get disconnected when turning in a quest.

Current behavior:

In the orc, human, and night elf starting areas, there are frequent disconnects after turning in a quest. The server logs shows the following... (I have yet to ttest the other starting areas, but will update this post when I have).

No defined handler for opcode [UNKNOWN OPCODE 0x3553 (13651)] sent by [Player: Okra Player-1-0000000C, Account: 1] MoveSplineInitArgs::Validate: expression '_checkPathLengths()' failed for Creature-0-1-1-0-3098-00000001C1 Entry: 3098 MoveSplineInitArgs::Validate: expression '_checkPathLengths()' failed for Creature-0-1-1-0-3098-00000001CC Entry: 3098 MoveSplineInitArgs::Validate: expression '_checkPathLengths()' failed for Creature-0-1-1-0-3124-00000001C5 Entry: 3124 Player::SendTimeSync: Did not receive CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP for over 30 seconds from 'Okra' (Player-1-0000000C), possible cheater

Expected behavior:

Expect to play without disconnects and errors in the server.

Project(s): <-- Mandatory

  • Issue found playing in Live Ashamane Private Server.
  • Issue found in a compiled master repo from Git.

TC rev. hash/commit:
AshamaneCore, revision 5467ef4 2020-05-09 09:39:22 -0500 (master branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static)

Database version
ADB 820.00

Operating system:
Windows 10

Also mentioned in #232 , but closed that one due to a different issue.

Hey @mcsescott welcome to the project first, this is a known issue to me atleast, i try to fix this atm and i will create a pr as soon as i fixed it

Hello, In fact it's all the starting areas of the main breeds that bugs

Hey @mcsescott welcome to the project first, this is a known issue to me atleast, i try to fix this atm and i will create a pr as soon as i fixed it

You would be my hero...

sadly atm i´m still investigating the issue because it don´t give any info in the logs

@DuelistRag3 This error is mentioned here... you'll have to read through the comments...


sadly atm i´m still investigating the issue because it don´t give any info in the logs

Hello,the issue is in player.cpp or any quest file in entities folder...I'm trying to figure out it too. I guess it's related to autoaccept quest but I'm not sure...

Ever heard of bountysource? I am thinking about adding a bounty to some of these Ashamane errors. Development seems to have slowed down...


I've been talking to @Traesh , it should come from self-acceptance of quests.
Until we find the real cause of the problem you can disable Quests.IgnoreAutoAccept = 0 out of 1 temporarily it works fine.

Thank you :)