
Export Commands

Closed this issue · 7 comments


Can someone explain me how exactly the export commands work, i´m to stupid to find out myself :D

Current behaviour:

CHANGEME Tell us what happens.
If this is a crash, post the crashlog (upload to Do not post entire log here.

Expected behaviour:

CHANGEME Tell us what should happen instead.

Project(s): <-- Mandatory

  • Issue found playing in Live Ashamane Private Server.
  • Issue found in a compiled master repo from Git.

TC rev. hash/commit:

CHANGEME Mandatory if Project == compiled master repo from Git, found it in first line of Server.log

Database version

CHANGEME What DB do you use, TDB, ADB, other.

Operating system: CHANGEME OS

Which export commands are you referring to?

I looked at the code, and it doesn't appear to be in TrinityCore. Not sure exactly what it does, but many of the comments are in Spanish.

ya i know, i looked into it also, but i don´t quiet unterstand, how to trigger the commands, .export appears to not work, i unterstand what you can do with them and its very usefull, but i can´t trigger them :)

Got it, the export cpp does not getting registered by the command script loader

Great; glad to see some development.

i will add a pr, that adds it to command script loader soon