
ERROR Build of the "worldserver.vcxproj"

Closed this issue · 19 comments

严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态
错误 LNK1181 无法打开输入文件“..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib” worldserver G:\Build\src\server\worldserver\LINK 1

google translation:
Severity Code Description Item File Line Prohibited status
Error LNK1181 Unable to open the input file "..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib" worldserver G:\Build\src\server\worldserver\LINK 1

we need a little bit more infos then that



google translation:
I can't provide more information at the moment because there is only this one error.

1>------ 已启动生成: 项目: worldserver, 配置: Debug x64 ------
1>Building Custom Rule G:/Trinity/src/server/worldserver/CMakeLists.txt
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件“..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib”
1>已完成生成项目“worldserver.vcxproj”的操作 - 失败。
========== 生成: 成功 0 个,失败 1 个,最新 0 个,跳过 0 个 ==========

google translation:
Generation started...
1>------ Build has been started: Project: worldserver, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>Building Custom Rule G:/Trinity/src/server/worldserver/CMakeLists.txt
1>LINK: fatal error LNK1181: Unable to open input file "..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib"
1>The operation of generating the project "worldserver.vcxproj" has been completed-failed.
========== Generate: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 newest, 0 skipped ==========

we need a little bit more infos then that

У меня тоже самое. Второй год пошёл. Не могут исправить.
I have the same. The second year has gone. Can't fix it.

which boost version you two use and on which rev. you building

which boost version you two use and on which rev. you building

Глупый вопрос. У Trinity/Core работает. У вас не работает.
Stupid question. Trinity / Core works. It doesn't work for you.

absolutly not a dumb question, just answer it ffs, there was more then once the case that trinity worked with the installed boost version and ashamane didn´t and the second question was also not answered, on which rev. you two try to build. I have absolutly no error while building the source

I use mysql 8.0 and boost 172 have no issues compiling, but when i start to build server this is as far as i can get.

AshamaneCore, revision unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
to stop.

 /\       | |                                     
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/ /\ \ / | ' \ / | '_ _ \ / ` | ' \ / _
/ ____ \
\ | | | (| | | | | | | (| | | | | /
/_/ __
/| ||_,|| || ||_,|| |_|___|

      The Ashamane Project - Ashamane Core

Based on TrinityCore, with credit to their team and contributions.

Using configuration file B:/Core/worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1h 22 Sep 2020 (library: OpenSSL 1.1.1h 22 Sep 2020)
Using Boost version: 1.72.0
Database "ashamane_auth" does not exist, do you want to create it? [yes (default) / no]:
Creating database "ashamane_auth"...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database "ashamane_characters" does not exist, do you want to create it? [yes (default) / no]:
Creating database "ashamane_characters"...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database "ashamane_world" does not exist, do you want to create it? [yes (default) / no]:
Creating database "ashamane_world"...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database "ashamane_hotfixes" does not exist, do you want to create it? [yes (default) / no]:
Creating database "ashamane_hotfixes"...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database Auth is empty, auto populating it...

Applying 'B:/AshamaneCore-master/sql/base/auth_database.sql'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database Character is empty, auto populating it...
Applying 'B:/AshamaneCore-master/sql/base/characters_database.sql'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database World is empty, auto populating it...
Applying 'ADB_world_820.00.sql'...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 23912: MySQL server has gone away

Applying of file 'ADB_world_820.00.sql' to database 'ashamane_world' failed! If you are a user, please pull the latest revision from the repository. Also make sure you have not applied any of the databases with your sql client. You cannot use auto-update system and import sql files from TrinityCore repository with your sql client. If you are a developer, please fix your sql query.
Could not populate the World database, see log for details.

@Hooaah it is another issue then op, but i will answer it anyway, because it is a very common issue, which i see often, pls increase two values in your msql config: "wait_timeout" and "max_allowed_packet_size". If you don't know how to do so, pls Google it, because I'm already in bed 😅 and don't wanna explain right now, after you increased those values, restart your MySQL Server and begin database creation from scratch (delete the databases)

Sorry my bad, reinstalled server and forgot to change settings.

@Traesh can we state it somewhere, for new people? In my opinion it's a pretty common issue and afaik, it's not in the trinity wiki

absolutly not a dumb question, just answer it ffs, there was more then once the case that trinity worked with the installed boost version and ashamane didn´t and the second question was also not answered, on which rev. you two try to build. I have absolutly no error while building the source

Потренируйтесь. Спросите у Trinity. И только после публикуйте. Единицы могут собрать. Естественно на английском языке.
Practice. Ask Trinity. And only then publish. Units can collect. Naturally in English.


I have solved this problem. Thank you for your help.


I have solved this problem. Thank you for your help.

Please consider sharing what you did to solve it.

I have solved this problem. Thank you for your help.

Please consider sharing what you did to solve it.


google translation:
I can't provide any help, because I changed a computer to compile and it was abnormal.

严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态
错误 LNK1181 无法打开输入文件“..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib” worldserver I:\buding2\src\server\worldserver\LINK 1
错误 C2059 语法错误:“{” scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 821
错误 C2334 “{”的前面有意外标记;跳过明显的函数体 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 821
错误 C3861 “RemoveEncounterAuras”: 找不到标识符 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 397
错误 C3861 “RemoveEncounterAuras”: 找不到标识符 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 494
错误 C3861 “RemoveEncounterAuras”: 找不到标识符 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 539
错误 C2065 “AREA_2”: 未声明的标识符 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 297
错误 C2065 “AREA_4”: 未声明的标识符 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 305
错误 C2065 “AREA_5”: 未声明的标识符 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 309
错误 C2051 case 表达式不是常量 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 297
错误 C2051 case 表达式不是常量 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 305
错误 C2051 case 表达式不是常量 scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 309
严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态
错误 LNK1181 无法打开输入文件“..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib” worldserver I:\buding2\src\server\worldserver\LINK 1

google translation:
Severity Code Description Item File Line Prohibited status
Error LNK1181 Cannot open the input file "..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib" worldserver I:\buding2\src\server\worldserver\LINK 1
Error C2059 Syntax error: "{" scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 821
Error C2334 Unexpected mark before "{"; skip obvious function body scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 821
Error C3861 "RemoveEncounterAuras": Could not find identifier scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 397
Error C3861 "RemoveEncounterAuras": Cannot find identifier scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 494
Error C3861 "RemoveEncounterAuras": Cannot find identifier scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_alysrazor.cpp 539
Error C2065 "AREA_2": Undeclared identifier scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 297
Error C2065 "AREA_4": Undeclared identifier scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 305
Error C2065 "AREA_5": Undeclared identifier scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 309
Error C2051 case expression is not a constant scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 297
Error C2051 case expression is not a constant scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 305
Error C2051 case expression is not a constant scripts I:\AshamaneCore-master\src\server\scripts\Kalimdor\Firelands\boss_shannox.cpp 309
Severity Code Description Item File Line Prohibited status
Error LNK1181 Cannot open the input file "..\scripts\Debug\scripts.lib" worldserver I:\buding2\src\server\worldserver\LINK 1

which boost version you two use and on which rev. you building


google translation:
I set SCRIPTS in Cmake to dynamic. Now I can create worldserver.exe, but there are a lot of C3859 and C1076 errors.

@DuelistRag3 I need to redo the full world.sql so it don't trigger the max_allowed_packet limit

I'll try to do it soon