
Java Imports is a vscode extension that makes it easy to import java classes and packages

MIT LicenseMIT

Java Imports

Java Imports is a vscode extension that makes it easy to import java classes and packages. It also offer other basic completions.


Java Imports Preview


Run vscode and on a java file, type _ followed by the package/class you want to import and press tab or enter on selection.

For basic completions, use:

  • class --> To trigger a class definition statement
  • main --> To auto-complete main method
  • method to trigger a normal method with return capability
  • pe or serr --> To trigger error printing to the console
  • pl or sout --> To trigger printing to the console
  • try --> To trigger a try/catch clause
  • void --> To trigger a void method declaration

Basic Completion Preview

How to install

Open vscode. Press F1, search "ext install" followed by extension name, in this case: "ext install Java Imports" without the ">". Or if you prefer ">ext install", hit enter, search "Java Imports".


Feel free to contribute to the extension. Fork it on github


Read LICENSE on the github repository


I'd first like to say a very big thank you to God my creator. Without him, this wouldn't be possible.