
Integrate the domain event dispatcher into Symfony projects

Primary LanguagePHP

Domain Event Dispatcher Bundle

Brings the domain event dispatcher (singleton) to Symfony projects. For full usage instructions, please see the full documentation shipped with the library.


Install the bundle via Composer:

$ composer require ashleydawson/domain-event-dispatcher-bundle

Then, register the bundle with the Symfony kernel app/AppKernel.php:

$bundles = [
    // ...
    new AshleyDawson\DomainEventDispatcherBundle\AshleyDawsonDomainEventDispatcherBundle(),


Deferred events are configured to be dispatched from the Symfony kernel.terminate kernel event. To change this, add the following to your app/config/config.yml file:

    dispatch_deferred_events_from_kernel_event: kernel.terminate
    dispatch_deferred_events_from_kernel_event_priority: 0


Please refer to the full documentation for an in-depth look at how to use the domain event dispatcher. However, please find a simple example below:

Create an event:


namespace AppBundle\DomainEvent;

class MyDomainEvent
    private $myEntityId;
    public function __construct($myEntityId)
        $this->myEntityId = $myEntityId;
    public function getMyEntityId()
        return $this->myEntityId;

Create a listener:


namespace AppBundle\DomainEventListener;

use AppBundle\DomainEvent\MyDomainEvent;

class MyDomainEventListener
    public function __invoke(MyDomainEvent $event)
        // Do something with the event...

Add the listener to the event dispatcher via the Symfony Dependency Injection Container using the tag ashley_dawson.domain_event_listener:

# app/config/services.yml

        class: AppBundle\DomainEventListener\MyDomainEventListener
            - { name: ashley_dawson.domain_event_listener }

Dispatch an event from your model:


namespace AppBundle\Entity;

use AshleyDawson\DomainEventDispatcher\DomainEventDispatcher;
use AppBundle\DomainEvent\MyDomainEvent;

class MyEntity
    private $id;
    public function mySpecialCommand()
            new MyDomainEvent($this->id)

Symfony Profiler

The map of events that have been deferred/dispatched during a request can be found in the Symfony Profiler. Simply click on the domain events icon and the profile screen containing the map will be displayed.

Toolbar Info:


Full Profiler Screen:

Profiler Screen