
Phone Number

Closed this issue · 19 comments

the phone number not working any suggestion

You have to enter 10 digit phone number.

Thank you can we extend it to be more than 10 digit number. Thank you
Good work keep going

Yes we can extend it to any digits we want.

Can you explain how can i did that because i am new sorry for disturbing you😍😍

Just simply changes in the code of phone number Text field. There i added the form validator , in that i check if length of number is not = 10 then it will throws an error.

Thank you very much

One more question i try to add a product but not visible in the store thank you

You cant add products caz i changes some rules in firestore database.

Only i can add products.

So i can't doing in my own side...

Yes but you can create a new database.

Are you add the barcode of the products along with name and price and imageurl.

Then i can change rules in database and allows you to add some pruducts.

Any tutorials how can create a new database firestore with all features (scan. Add product. Login. Signup...) thank you for your help you arr amazing

Are you new in flutter?

Yes this is my first project in flutter

Oh you can connect me on insta or LinkedIn there i can share some tutorial to you.

Instagram good