
In this repository, testsuite to validate the releases of the compiler.

Primary LanguagePython


In this repository the test of the ymir compiler are registered They can be used to verify that the compiler does what is intended

A test is registered in a playbook whose yaml format is the following :

  - path/to/test.yml
  - path/to/second/test.yml

The format of a test is the following :

compile: # the list of command to execute to compile the test
  - gyc main.yr -c main.o
  - gyc foo.yr -c foo.o
  - gyc main.o foo.o -o test
compile_out: "" # the expected text (concatenation of all the command stdout in compile), can be unset
compile_err: "" # the expected text (concatenation of all the command stderr in compile), can be unset
run: # The list of command to run to test the compiled program
  - ./test file.txt
stdout: "" # the expected output (concatenation of all run command stdout in run), can be unset
stderr: "" # the expected error output (concatenation of all run command stderr in run), can be unset
clean: rm test *.o # command to run to remove generated files, can be unset

The test are runnable with the python file run-test.py

python3 run-test.py --test path/to/test.yml # single test
python3 run-test.py --playbook playbook.yml # list of tests