Wrong corrected_question

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There's a single QA pair in the dataset where the corrected_question is entirely different from what it's supposed to be (i.e. given the SPARQL and auto-verbalized question):

The SPARQL is wrong too, so this makes it the only question with a nil result set.

[{'_id': '3631',
  'corrected_question': 'List down the schools whose mascot is an animal from the order of Even toed Ungulates?',
  'intermediary_question': "What are the <companies> whose <programming language>'s <designer> is <Bjarne Stroustrup>?",
  'results': [],
  'sparql_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?uri WHERE { ?x <> <> . ?uri <> ?x  . ?uri <> <>}',
  'sparql_template_id': 306}]