Does the dataset comes with answers to the template questions in any format?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I think it maybe a good idea to include the Wikidata/DBpedia answer to these questions for KBQA training/testing purposes

Hi @hexie1995 ,

Thank you for your interest in the repository. And yeah, you're right. It would be beneficial to have answers from the source knowledge graph included alongwith the dataset.

However, since working on this project, I have moved to a different institution, where it would be far more difficult to spring up an instance of DBpedia v16.04 and query it for answers to these queries.

Are you in a position to do that? If so, that would be a most welcome contribution.

Note that you would need to execute these queries on the specific version of DBpedia, since with updates, many of these queries would no longer yield an answer. Likewise, I'm not immediately aware of existing bridges between Wikidata and DBpedia URIs, and am even less confident if that all the queries would yield answers on Wikidata even if such a bridge existed. Please correct me, if I'm wrong.


Hi Xie,

Thanks for agreeing to do this. Unfortunately, I can't find pre-hosted instance of the right DBpedia version. Specifically, the dataset was made over DBpedia v16.04 (April, 2016 release). The version hosted on the public DBpedia endpoint [1] is v 16.10 (October, 2016) which is incompatible with a substantial number of queries (src [2]).

You would have to download the relevant dataset, and spin up your on Virtuoso instance, and point it at the dataset to be able to query it. Feel free to write to me, in case of any difficulties.

Best Wishes.

[1] -
[2] -

Hello @hexie1995 ,
I was also facing the same issue. Is it possible for you to share the resulting files?
