Barrer0 opened this issue · 10 comments
please send us your botcinfig.json.
"token": "",
"prefix": "!",
"YtKey": "***",
"dbLink": "mongodb+srv://",
can you try removing the last commas after your database link?
json don't take commas on the last line. I know the exemple have it, I'm going to fix that right now.
@ENOT1KK oh, for a second I thought we forgot to save that package, but it's in our package.json
did you execute the command npm install
I'm sadly unable to test the code on my Windows computer at the moment, because of an update.
"token": "",
"prefix": "!",
"YtKey": "***",
"dbLink": "mongodb+srv://"
@ENOT1KK you are missing a package here. but I'm unable to see wich one.
again did you typed the command npm install
Well apparently something went wrong. because you are missing few packages, and we will be unable to help you without more information than half part of your logs in a screenshot.
and since this error is not from us or our code we can hardly help you.
if you followed the instruction in our everything should work fine.
again I regret that your issue goes beyond our support. plus This project is now Unsupported until the release of Yukiko 2.0 (click more information)
*Please note that if you have modified the code we will not be able to help you.
as alternative you can use Our production version of Yukiko at
as for testing, I just clone the repo did all the setup is you may have done and everything work as intended. so we are unable to reproduce the error.
> yukiko@2.0.0 dev C:\Users\麗清\Desktop\issue\Yukiko
> nodemon start
[nodemon] 2.0.4
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node start index.js`
| Commands |
| Command | Load status |
| eval.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| update.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| addcard.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| botInfo.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| game.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| help.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| host.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| invit.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| lbtop10.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| leaderboard.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| ping.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| rank.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| reddit.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| serverinfo.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| uptime.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| whois.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| wink.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| wow.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| ban.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| clear.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| createrole.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| forceskip.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| kick.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| mute.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| report.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| say.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| unwarn.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| warns.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| animefm.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| leave.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| pause.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| play.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| queue.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| resume.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| search.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| skip.js | ✔️ Ok! |
| volume.js | ✔️ Ok! |
Setting bot presence...
YukikoDB: connected to
Rise Dev is now started and running in undefined environement!
Thanks for your patience
Closing now.