
Bail if WC Is Not Active

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Right now if WC isn't active it'll try to use wc_get_template which won't exist. Better to just output the unparsed shortcode if WC isn't available.

I prefer to use just a class_exists() check. I've never used the other method. That's only checking if it's active throughout the network. Checking if class_exists() will just check if the plugin has been loaded for that single site (single or multi).

This is the official recommended way to check if a plugin is active (well kinda, I've modified it to also check the network).

Doesn't your method require the plugin to be loaded after WC?

The thing I don't like about that is that it requires WooCommerce to be installed in /woocommerce/ which won't always be the case.

If you remove

And call it attached to plugins_loaded action it will check once all plugin files have been included.

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'WooCommerce_Simple_Registration' );

I actually have never encountered a woocommerce plugin in a non-woocommerce folder. Is there a reasonable use-case for that? I can imagine if someone screws up and that happens, but then I would just recommend changing the folder name.

I personally don't like to determine the load order if not needed. E.g. if someone want to hook into our plugin, then they would also be required to use plugins_loaded and a higher priority.

I think it is reasonable for us to assume that the WC folder is in /woocommerce/ anyways :-)

You've convinced me. I'm fine with going with that way then. I'll do some final testing and let you know if anything comes up.

Woohoooe 😃

Always like discussing stuff like this, makes you think twice about the regular stuff 👍

Yep, love having a second set of eyes/a second brain around.