Spell Checking
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Here's what I have so far as a test for spell checking. It utilizes the FuzzyString library and two dictionaries (one in keyed dictionary format, the other in fuzzyString format). I would like to optimize this one day with a list of common typos, and rebuild the fuzzyString library (not very complex) so that it can just use the main keyed dictionary, rather than having to load the dictionary again in a special format.
var scriptSrcs = {
"dictionary": "https://523510690b2627b1adb4d84214fd72c16ad36f6a.googledrive.com/host/0B22lFAneNTJbbnNZMnhNN1BhRzg",
"fuzzySet": "https://43ee79d2ad66b846ee83176ae569976401caa824.googledrive.com/host/0B22lFAneNTJbVzl0UWVVSE5Qd2M",
"fuzzySetList": "https://9c9b2aedcfc5e328423a8634b9952476438376d3.googledrive.com/host/0B22lFAneNTJbQk14d2xTRzVsMHM"
var shortTest = "Hey ths iz spelld supr wrng but this isn't. Just to be sure let's spell some more complecx words: acceptence acceptible acceptibly milicous milyew miniscule miniture spicific sporatic squirl."
/* Note: I meant to do this as a loop, but had trouble wth closures. Wasnt worth the trouble so just did this.
Fix it if you like. */
function loadScripts() {
console.log("Loading scripts...");
$.getScript(scriptSrcs["dictionary"], function () {
console.log("dictionary finished loading!");
$.getScript(scriptSrcs["fuzzySet"], function () {
console.log("fuzzySet finished loading!");
$.getScript(scriptSrcs["fuzzySetList"], function () {
console.log("fuzzySetList finished loading!");
//spell checking ready
//fix the spelling
function fixSpelling(match) {
// This matches the word to a list of real words stored in a FuzzySet object
// utlizing the Levenshtein distance equation to find a close match. Very powerful
// concept, as spell check would be rediculously expensive without it
var result = fuzzySet.get(match);
var score = result[0][0];
var replacement = result[0][1];
//console.log(match + ", " + replacement + ": " + score);
//if the replacement is very likely accurate, replace it
if (score >= 0.876) {
console.log(match + " replaced with " + replacement + ". Accuracy of: " + score);
return replacement;
//otherwise, put the original word back with no change
} else {
return match;
// Check words
var checkWords = function (str) {
//replace words only
str = str.replace(/[a-zA-Z']+/g, function (match) {
//convert to lower case
match = match.toLowerCase();
//if it isn't a defined word
if (!wordList[match]) {
//try to find the right word
return fixSpelling(match);
//otherwise replace the match with itself (no change)
} else {
return match;
return str;
See Gist: https://gist.github.com/jt0dd/020cda2085d04b8cdcae
Note that the scripts are loaded asynchronously, and in the implementation, I'll have an icon showing how close the dictionary is to being ready; if it's not ready when the user clicks edit(it'll be cached except for the first load), spell-checking just won't take effect for that edit.
This is how spell checking works (fuzzy string searching) for when we get around to doing this from scratch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximate_string_matching
This should be a high priority, as right now an extra script is being needlessly loaded with largely duplicate data.
Issue here: I don't know if the problem will persist once this is optimized to a single dictionary, but right now loading the dictionary into a spell checking array freezes the DOM significantly, It can't be implemented as is.
Is there some way we can load the dictionary in as a file of some sort (right now it's in the format of a keyed array, so when it loads, it's loaded into memory all at once) and try pushing smaller pieces into the array one by one?
I think if I can figure out how to get the dictionary data in some other form and pull it into the array over a period of 2-5 seconds, it'll avoid that DOM freeze, and the dictionary can be used regardless of whether or not words are still loading.
This is solved in two ways:
A web worker, which will run a script outside of the DOM's environment (Wow, I'm so happy that I know about this now)
And a "patricia-tie" data structure, which will dramatically decrease the size of the dictionary.
See this: