
A program that reads books for you on MyOn

Primary LanguagePython


As of 3/17/2020 @ 3 AM, I have looked back into this code and found that this dumpster fire of a codebase is buggy as hell and needs to be refactored and optimized to be flexible in a GUI that might be later implmented in a sucessor project with a different, cooler name compared to this lame name. As far as im concerned, I am archiving and halting this project as a result of this disaster. Hopefully I will return to this project, making it deprecated and create a sucessor to this project with a GUI in order to make the user experience better, cleaner code, contain most of the current features, and implement the TODOS below.


  • Handle errors better
    • Like make it friendly when exiting instead of spilling a bunch of errors
  • Somehow make ID of some inputs persistent (kind of impossible)
  • Reuse already downloaded webdrivers
  • Handle credentials better than storing it in a plain json file


Nobody wants to read boring kindergarten books online, that's why this exists. Demo Image of auto_myon

Installation Guide

Supported OS

  • Windows
  • macOS Soon...

Supported Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox

Using pre-built binaries

  1. Go to the releases section at https://github.com/Astrol99/aut0_my0n/releases then go to the latest one
  2. Download the zip folder named "auto_myon.x.x.x.zip"
  3. Extract the folder
  4. Go into the folder
  5. Click on auto_myon.exe
  6. Enjoy!


  1. Git clone this repo
git clone
  1. Go into the directory then install the required libraries
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the main program
python3 auto_myon.py