
Neighborhood Map for FSND - Udacity

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This one page map shows 7 locations around the Queretaro City, Mexico which are common landmarks and historical sites.


Users can download the entire Neighborhood_App from https://github.com/Ataboyata/Neighborhood_Map. To run the app, the only thing that is necessary is to load the index.html file in any browser.

When the app has loaded, users can do any of the following:

  • Use the search tab to filter to specific locations, this will filter both the list displayed in the sidebar and the markers displayed on the map.
  • Click on any of the locations, either on the sidebar or on the map, and two things will hapen. The first one is that a Street View Image will appear right above the marker. The user can move the image around to see what the place looks like. The second thing that happens is that relevant wikipedia articles appear on the side bar. Do note that not all locations have related wikipedia articles.
  • Sidebar can be collapsed by clicking on the three lines on the top right corner of the sidebar.
