
Front-end for Chrome headless (turn it into normal browser you can host in the cloud and use from your device)

o0101 opened this issue · 0 comments

o0101 commented

This project is called Robot Head - Front-end for Chrome headless


  1. Every day needs: people use a browser every day. Some people want to spend more time on security. Secure isolated remote browsers / cloud-based internet isolation to the rescue.
  2. Open-source and free: yes, at
  3. Server-side which is suitable for common VPS:, yes, install on Debian, or Docker (other systems possible, too).
  4. You are the only who control and being responsible of your data: yes!

It can turn Chrome headless, running in the cloud, into a normal browser you can use from your device.

You can do more than that, but for most use cases, people just want to run a browser remotely that can protect them from viruses and hacking. You can connect to the remote browser over a regular web browser, and all your access to the public internet then flows through your self-hosted cloud browser. Because no JS/CSS/HTML from the remote page is sent to your device (only pixels), you often also save bandwidth ~~ because most sites are very bloated.


Robot Head