
Questions: Relayer

NotGovernor opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a relay up with the eth address funded. Is there anything else needed? Do I need to forward any ports or list the relay anywhere? Or is this all automatic for makers and takers? I RTFM'd but didnt see anything on this stuff.


@NotGovernor You don't need to forward any ports, it is all automatic. You see how many relayers are on the network using this command. Note this command only shows peers, so you won't see the swapd instance being queried if that swapd instance is a realayer. I see 6 relayers on the network.

 ./bin/swapcli discover  --provides relayer

Feel free to ask more questions here, or close the ticket.

Excellent. I see 5, assuming 1 less because I'm querying a relayer.

Awesome!!! Well done all!