
Some urls / domains get redirected

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Example domain:

If I try to open any of the subforums via the proxified page, I get back to the front page ( the url above ). I've tried to debug this myself, but haven't had any luck.


At ProxifyPlugin.php in function onBeforeRequest(ProxyEvent $event):

$request = $event['request'];

If I dump the $request object, I get the following output:

object(Proxy\Http\Request)#18 (10) {
string(3) "GET"
string(42) ""
string(3) "1.1"
object(Proxy\Http\ParamStore)#19 (2) {
array(0) {

So for some reason, unknown to me, the url changes on the way. This is so far the only domain I've encountered this issue with, but as always, there are bound to be more...

The issue is with the way we are parsing that forum URL:

use Proxy\Http\Request;

echo '<pre>';

$url = "";

$request = new Request('GET', '');


which outputs:

string(97) ""
string(102) ""

The http_build_query function from here:

escapes all the slashes and dots from this portion of that URL:


and transforms it into something that super-best-audio-friends server now treats as a whole different URL. The solution is not as easy as I thought it was going to be. Will look more into it this weekend.