
Tiny robot

Primary LanguagePython


This is the code repo for my tiny robot "Naboris."
Learn how to build your own version here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Do-it-yourself-Autonomous-Tiny-Robot/
See it in action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5529u88afc

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Project Goal

The objective is to create a small cheap (under $500) robotics platform that could autonomously navigate indoor environments with only a camera. This project is meant to demonstrate you don't need big fancy lab equipment and million dollar grants to do something cool in the field of robotics. The linked instructable explains how to get setup hardware-wise.

Software setup

All installation commands will specifically be for Raspberry Pi's running Raspbian (the "host" computer). The expectation for this robot is you'll be developing headless (without a display) and thus remotely via SSH (the "remote" computer). The only thing you'll need on the remote is python 3.5 or higher installation. Any of the below packages are valid for the remote as well.


Before you get started, you'll need these dependencies:

Optional packages:


Install git if haven't done so: sudo apt-get install git
Download the repo:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/AtlasBuggy/Naboris

The package isn't on the python package index, so you'll need to symlink it:
sudo ln -s $PWD/Naboris/Atlasbuggy/atlasbuggy /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages

Test if worked:

>>> import atlasbuggy

My development environment

I'm using a mac to develop by SSH'ing into the raspberry pi via a DIY access point (see the instructable for details). I'm using Transmit by Panic to access the raspberry pi's files remotely.

Try some code out

If you're the impatience type like me, you want a code library to impress you on the first date. So here's something you can run out of the box (with the dependencies). So assuming you have matplotlib and numpy installed, try the following out for size:

cd Naboris/naboris
python3 tryme.py

Further Reading

For details on how everything works behind the scenes, check out the readme for https://github.com/AtlasBuggy/atlasbuggy