
Automate the process of sending Client App Details to user after registration

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Once the client app request(received via tokens app) is fulfilled by a DevOps team member i.e. registered in CAS or Cognito, a workflow can be triggered which will respond back to the requesting user with the registered client application details.

Proposed workflow below.

  1. DevOps team member invokes a protected API on API Gateway e.g. POST /tokens/notify with the requesting user email and the registered Client Application Details.

  2. The API gateway invokes a AWS LAMBDS function which send an email to the user via AWS SES with the supplied Client Application Details. The source email will be ALA Support.

This is going to be redundant with the current ongoing implementation of OAuth application management feature in the userdetails app where the users will be able to register their own App Clients and get the Client details via the userdetails UI.