
new added Mulitvalue fields are not displayed properly

qifeng-bai opened this issue · 2 comments

New identified issues:

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Check this link:

Biocache will compare fields of raw_recordedBy and recordedBy. If they are different, a 'supplied as' comment will be added.

However, we can see recordedBy has been updated to multivalues, but raw_recordedBy is still a string joined by ' _ '
"raw_recordedBy":"CSIRO - CRIMP",

In our Solr:
<field name="raw_recordedBy" type="string" indexed="true" docValues="true"/>
<field name="recordedBy" type="string" docValues="true" multiValued="true" indexed="true"/>

raw_recordedBy should be multiValued, same as recordedBy


--------- Solved---------
Link to: gbif/pipelines#670
For example, in this search:

It shows: Identified by ["Marie Tarrant"]

It is displayed as an array of strings due to mulitivalues type.

An array of identifiers is returned from:

identfiedBy AKA collector/s is defined as Multivalue in SOLR, but biocache returns a string joined with '|'

List of multivalues. No values: this field is not defined in BiocacheIndex class

Fields BiocacheIndex (dev) SOLR
speciesGroup Y Y
speciesSubgroup N Y
speciesListUid Y
imageIDs N Y
soundIDs Y
videoIDs Y
multimedia Y Y
multimediaLicense Y
assertions Y Y
geospatialIssues Y
occurrenceYear return the first year Y
contentTypes Y
machineTags Y
datasetID Y
datasetName Y
identifiedBy Y
recordedByID Y
recordedBy Y Y
lifeStageLineage Y

Raised by @peggynewman - it may not be related.
Example: specimenType problem specimenType field

It looks like these commits are applied.