
Migrate Documentation to Markdown and External Help

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In order to have a documentation that is easier to access, easier to edit and maintain, and more flexible, we shall use PlatyPS for the help of the function.
Discussion on this topic: AtlassianPS/AtlassianPS#1


  • Migrate all Comment Based Help to .md files in /docs
Import-Module MyAwesomeModule
New-MarkdownHelp -Module MyAwesomeModule -OutputFolder .\docs
  • Edit the .md files (.EXAMPLE block can have more that 1 command in it)
  • Create the about_<module>
New-MarkdownAboutHelp -OutputFolder C:\Test -AboutName
  • Make AppVeyor generate the ExternalHelp file (.xml) when building
New-ExternalHelp -Path ".\docs" -OutputPath "out\platyPS\en-US"
  • Remove the Comment Based Help from all functions in the module