
Linter isn't showing issues (c/c++)

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  • Check that you have the GNU C Compiler installed by typing gcc --version into a terminal.
  • If you don't have the linter package installed, either update to the latest version of linter-gcc or install linter directly with apm install linter.
  • Ensure that you are using a valid grammar - either C/C++/C++14
  • Ensure that you have read all the relevant information in the wiki, particularly the Common Issues page.

Issue (including debugging messages):

The issues warnings isn't working and the issues bar don't appear

Captura de tela de 2019-03-24 16-01-53
the image illustrate my tentative of an erro in line 150 and shows that the issues bar don't appear

Im seaching how to solve this problem a few months ago, but i don't see anyone with the same problem recently, i use Atom on Solus Os - Linux and Windows, i change linux distributions frequently an i never had this problem, since the end of the last year this issues started.

My Atom

  • Atom : 1.35.1
  • Electron: 2.0.18
  • Chrome : 61.0.3163.100
  • Node : 8.9.3

im am a beginner programmer, so i hope my explanation has been consistent.

LinterGCC doesn't work with the new version of Linter, see Issue 199 for more details and switch for the currently working fork of tvincent056

thx man!