
Uncaught TypeError: _this.notificationEl.querySelector is not a function

Closed this issue · 2 comments

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.42.0 x64
Electron: 4.2.7
OS: Ubuntu 19.10
Thrown From: linter-gcc package 0.7.1

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: _this.notificationEl.querySelector is not a function

At /home/sagebeast/.atom/packages/linter-gcc/node_modules/atom-package-deps/lib/view.js:22

TypeError: _this.notificationEl.querySelector is not a function
    at /packages/linter-gcc/node_modules/atom-package-deps/lib/view.js:22:58


     -0:57.7.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

ide-c-cpp 0.1.0 
linter-gcc 0.7.1 

Closing this as a duplicate of #209, simply as a place to gather the various reports of this issue together.

Duplicate of #209