
link-no-permission: This link has severed and rotted away...

Closed this issue · 5 comments

friend made a waystone and when he tries to link it says link-no-permission: This link has severed and rotted away...

Sorry for the late reply! I've been a bit busy as of late, but that error should occur if the person trying to link the warp key does not have the permission This was a small oversight on my part since it isn't listed in the project readme or spigot page I believe. I'll get around to updating those shortly.

As far as the error message is concerned, is it printing "link-no-permission" with the error? If so I would love to see some screenshots of it happening. Thanks!

I downloaded this plugin from apex hosting and there's not exactly any screen shots to show . When NON operator people try to link it just says the link has been severed in game

I see, so the only thing you'd need to do to fix this issue then is to simply give the permission to everyone. I might update this later so it doesn't require this, at least by default. But for now that solution should work.

Alright, I've updated the spigot page so that it now shows the missing permissions.

As of the permission should now be given to players by default.