
add mobx example

goldylucks opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using this project and want to add mobx for state management.

I'm happy to PR documentation/example with some guidance!

Thoughts? @tirthbodawala

FYI: According to the mobx docs, for hot reload to work we neet to make the root component a stateful observer.

@goldylucks I see MobX is very similar to Redux, is there any chance you can look at
and can integrate MobX?

@tirthbodawala I never done SSR on mobx, and haven't found a good tutorial or an updated repo with an example.

I got mobx + hot reload working on my SPA app without no SSR. I can make a PR/repo for that, and maybe someone in the future will pick up the gauntlet for mobx+SSR.