
dockerfile deployment

santalucial opened this issue · 3 comments

i've seen you have worked with docker in the past, but i could not find a solution to the issue i'm experiencing, i'm using the following dockerfile to deploy the demo as is but i end up with a broken build and any page returns routing errors

FROM node:8
COPY . .
RUN yarn
RUN yarn build:demo
VOLUME ["/app"]
CMD [ "nodejs", "dist/server.js" ]


latest node images are unable to complete the build, v8 builds and i didn't notice any errors, but outputs a broken application, any idea as to why?

remove src in .dockerignore file

omg why, didn't even notice there was a dockerignore file as i added the dockerfile myself

@santalucial is this issue fixed? If so, you might wanna close this issue 😃