
Add EEPROM-based control scheme

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The basic idea behind this is to allow different parts of the course navigation to be modified and tweaked over by changing the EEPROM values for that stretch of course. Each line-segment on the course and the box approaches/departures will have their own control settings, to be called the "follow, terminate, action" (FTA) cycle:

  1. Follow type: "line-following" vs. "simple encoder travel"
  2. Segment Termination: "at any turn", "at T-intersection/solid line", "at right turn", "at left turn", "off the line", "physical switch"
  3. Termination Action: "turn in place", "turn left wheel then right", "turn right wheel then left"

Additionally, the following configuration options will be included globally:

  • PID coefficient values (Kp, Ki, Kd)
  • Starting location on the course (for testing, as well as the two possible physical starting locations)

Eventually, this will be editable using Levi's GUI interface so anyone can edit/tweak the course parameters without ever having to touch the code. This will also well on game day, because no reprogramming is required.

Edit: The three-cycle segment execution is to be called the "follow, terminate, action" (FTA) cycle.