
install gpuRIR

QinYcdc opened this issue · 3 comments

Dear author, thank you for sharing the project, which is very helpful for my scientific research and study.
I am currently using Win11, and the highest supported version of cuda is 12.6. How should I choose the versions of cudatoolkit, pytorch, visual studio, camke and other related tools to install gpuRIR? Could you please tell me your experimental environment configuration?

Thank you for your interest in our work. However, I don’t have experience installing gpuRIR on the Windows system. Perhaps you could find suitable environment configurations in the gpuRIR project.

Thank you for your interest in our work. However, I don’t have experience installing gpuRIR on the Windows system. Perhaps you could find suitable environment configurations in the gpuRIR project.

Thank you for your reply! Could you please share the environment in which you did the experiment? I plan to try it in Ubuntu. If it is convenient, please share the relevant pytorch version, cuda version, cmake version, and c++ compiler type and version. Thank you.

您好,我目前使用的服务器系统是Centos,系统cuda版本是12.3,gcc/g++ 8.3.1;安装gpuRIR环境下的torch版本是1.13.1;cmake版本3.22.4,实验用到的torch版本2.0.1