
Question: Pretrained Model

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments


Thanks for the work. I am curious about pretrained model. Will you released your pretrained model or not?

Thanks for your question. We will release our pretrained model soon and update the document simultaneously.

Thanks a lot. I'm looking forward to your updates.

We upload our pretrained model and update the document today.
And if you like our work, could you please give us a thumbs-up? : )

Thanks ! When I used the pretrained model I got adapt_kwargs_n = {**adapt_kwargs, 'prev_val': prev_val[n]} if isinstance(prev_val, list) else adapt_kwargs IndexError: list index out of range
I follow readme :
python test --config config/mc_net_offline.yaml --trainer.gpus 0 --ckpt_path model_checkpoints/offline/epoch494_criteria18.78_sdr18.78.ckpt

What's your omegaconf and pytorch version ?