
Problem with non-breaking space ( )

lucvdbos opened this issue · 2 comments

I use a checkbox with non-breaking spaces. In the lookup it goes well, but when selecting you see the HMTL in the selectbox. What can be the problem?

 <option value="{$node.sid|escape}" title="{$node.path}" {if $node.sid eq $selected}selected="selected"{/if} >
        {capture name="node_caption"}[[$node.caption:raw]]{/capture}
        {$smarty.capture.node_caption|indent:$node.level:" &nbsp; &nbsp;"}({$node.listing_number})
{if isset($tree_values.$node_sid)}
        {include file="field_types^search/category_tree_option.tpl" tree_values=$tree_values parent=$node.sid selected=$selected} 


shehi commented

Jsfiddle would help in this situation. Need to be able to reproduce the exact scenario. Any chance one could be provided?