Library providing easy-to-use interface for displaying tree structures on iOS and tvOS.
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#282 opened by btxXiaoXiao - 1
Scroll UI issue that has persisted for a while.
#250 opened by svetlanama - 1
Custom height on certain rows
#232 opened by thedavejay - 0
#281 opened by Lanhaoo - 2
- 1
Hide Editing style
#280 opened by ArifJezir - 3
-[RATableView tableView:didEndDisplayingCell:forRowAtIndexPath:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x10390f000
#237 opened by yzl140520 - 0
RATreeView contentSize not available
#279 opened by gaikwadsuraj - 4
- 0
Rat tree view
#278 opened by thimiralakshan - 1
IOS10系统出现erminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'An instance 0x10319e400 of class RATableView was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Current observation info: <NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x17022ac60>
#273 opened by xj1101 - 0
#277 opened by a123478we - 1
iOS 13 new UITableViewStyle
#275 opened by br-zm - 1
IOS13 UITableViewStyle多了一种枚举值 ,编译报错,需要适配IOS13
#274 opened by asd6802862 - 4
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#271 opened by a123478we - 3
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dataSource repeat
#264 opened by jswn0203 - 0
(NSInteger)treeView:(RATreeView *)treeView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item
#263 opened by Xcode123456 - 1
Do not expand while selecting cell!
#262 opened by aimm - 0
Inconsistencies in method - (nullable UITableViewCell *)cellForItem:(id)item;
#261 opened by rajatraj733 - 0
Repositioning Nodes & Roots.
#260 opened by rjt3662 - 0
#259 opened by Gusont - 0
indexPathForItem not working swift version
#258 opened by thiwankacs - 1
- 4
add expanded or collapsed icon state?
#251 opened by fukemy - 0
Want path of particular node?
#256 opened by ZalavadiaNirav - 0
Expanding single cell at a time
#255 opened by talat-baig - 1
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How to Show Table Section Headers and Footers
#253 opened by iosdeveloper480 - 1
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How To Increase tableview Width when levels are increased and Cell Text goes out of screen.
#249 opened by dhvl1729 - 4
Is there any way to expand the all cells ?
#239 opened by JoleneLiu - 0
#246 opened by 1070697296 - 1
How to scroll invisible cells to top?
#242 opened by dushanAdikari - 0
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automatic scroll to top when click expand more group once the first cell height is 430 .
#240 opened by JoleneLiu - 1
How to expand special row by default
#236 opened by colorHeart - 0
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How to detect RATreeView is dragging?
#231 opened by g001613001 - 0
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expand to the target item?
#229 opened by DingSoung - 0
#228 opened by harolhiguera - 0
A few questions
#227 opened by zhouhao27 - 1
expand the cells from the beginning,
#221 opened by xiaomianbao - 1
cellForRowAtIndexPath not called
#226 opened by andres-cianio - 1
Download copy is not working
#223 opened by av089 - 1
Warnings when used in Xcode 8.3.1
#222 opened by musbaalbaki - 0
first `expandRowForItem` not animate
#224 opened by DingSoung