
Chat filter

7hatGuyAJ opened this issue · 2 comments

venturechats chat filter overrides the plugin chatfilter, is there any way to disable the chat filtering for venturechat?

VentureChat Version: 3.6.0
Written by Aust1n46

Paper version git-Paper-169 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: b4e3b3d)

On my Dev server where ChatFilter works ChatFilter loads before VentureChat.

[ChatFilter]: Loading server plugin ChatFilter v2.0.14
[VentureChat]: Loading server plugin VentureChat v3.6.0

On my live server where Chatfilter is not working VentureChat loads first.

[VentureChat]: Loading server plugin VentureChat v3.6.0
[VotingPlugin]: Loading server plugin VotingPlugin v6.13
[ChatFilter]: Loading server plugin ChatFilter v2.0.14

Is it possible for you to make VentureChat soft depend? on ChatFilter.

Soft depend would make VentureChat load second.

And all you need to do is configure the event priority in their config:

The plugins are conflicting over HIGHEST priority chat events, which run last. Just change it to HIGH and it will get the event before VentureChat.