reprojection scheme for vector field data
Closed this issue · 5 comments
This seems to work for converting surface currents to a polar projection.
The key is to create "end points" from the du/dv values in Plate Carree (equirectangular), then transform the start and end points into polar, then recreate the du/dv values, and use nearest neighbour to rebuild a grid. Each step can be indexed for pretty fast implementation.
## U/V components in longlat
u <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), uonly = TRUE)
v <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), vonly = TRUE)
## target grid, 24km polar stereographi
target <- sospatial:::stere_grid(24)
## get the values and cell index on a data frame
d <- as_tibble(u) %>% rename(u = cellvalue)
d$v <- values(v)
## project to equrectangular, a projection orthogonal to the U/V vector components
d[c("x", "y")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, d$cellindex), "+proj=eqc")
## update x and y by u and v (could be scaled if needed)
d$x1 <- d$x + d$u
d$y1 <- d$y + d$v
## project the starting points from the original longlat to the target
d[c("sx", "sy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, d$cellindex), projection(target))
## unproject the end points from eqc to longlat and then forward to the target
d[c("ex", "ey")] <- rgdal::project(rgdal::project(as.matrix(d[c("x1", "y1")]), "+proj=eqc", inv = TRUE),
## update to projected u and projected v
d$pu <- d$sx - d$ex
d$pv <- d$sy - d$ey
## regrid by nn
xy <- coordinates(target)
knn <- WKNNF(as.matrix(d[c("sx", "sy")]))
idx <- knn$query(xy, k = 1, eps = 0)
uu <- setValues(target, d$pu[idx$nn.idx])
vv <- setValues(target, d$pv[idx$nn.idx])
plot(sqrt(uu * uu + vv * vv))
can be made arbitrarily
TODO: need to re-mask land and areas north of the maximum (or trim the query coordinates)
This is better, no need for masking after the fact
u <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), uonly = TRUE)
v <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), vonly = TRUE)
target <- sospatial:::stere_grid(24)
d <- as_tibble(u) %>% rename(u = cellvalue)
d$v <- values(v)
d[c("x", "y")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, d$cellindex), "+proj=eqc")
d$x1 <- d$x + d$u
d$y1 <- d$y + d$v
d[c("sx", "sy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, d$cellindex), projection(target))
d[c("ex", "ey")] <- rgdal::project(rgdal::project(as.matrix(d[c("x1", "y1")]), "+proj=eqc", inv = TRUE),
d$pu <- d$sx - d$ex
d$pv <- d$sy - d$ey
xy <- coordinates(target)
ee <- extract(u, rgdal::project(xy, projection(target), inv = TRUE))
xy <- xy[!, ]
knn <- WKNNF(as.matrix(d[c("sx", "sy")]))
idx <- knn$query(xy, k = 1, eps = 0)
uu <- vv <- target
uu[!] <- d$pu[idx$nn.idx]
vv[!] <- d$pv[idx$nn.idx]
plot(sqrt(uu * uu + vv * vv), col = palr::sstPal(64)[1:40])
Here's the efficient-ish job
default_grid <- function() {
prjj <- "+proj=laea +lat_0=-90 +datum=WGS84"
raster(spex::buffer_extent(projectExtent(raster(extent(-180, 180, -90, -30),
crs = "+init=epsg:4326"),
prjj), 25000),
res = 25000, crs = prjj)
files <- currentsfiles()
#u <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), uonly = TRUE)
#v <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), vonly = TRUE)
ex <- extent(-180, 180, -75, -30)
geti_u <- function(i = 1) {
readcurr(files$date[i], xylim = ex, uonly = TRUE, inputfiles = files)
geti_v <- function(i = 1) {
readcurr(files$date[i], xylim = ex, vonly = TRUE, inputfiles = files)
u <- geti_u()
target <- default_grid()
xy <- coordinates(target)
xyi <- rgdal::project(xy, projection(target), inv = TRUE)
index <- tibble(cellindex = seq_len(ncell(u)))
index[c("qx", "qy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, index$cellindex), "+proj=eqc")
index[c("sx", "sy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, index$cellindex), projection(target))
knn <- WKNNF(as.matrix(index[c("sx", "sy")]))
i <- 1
for (i in seq_along(lv)) {
U <- geti_u(i)
V <- geti_v(i)
index$x1 <- index$qx + values(U)
index$y1 <- index$qy + values(V)
index[c("ex", "ey")] <- rgdal::project(rgdal::project(as.matrix(index[c("x1", "y1")]), "+proj=eqc", inv = TRUE),
index$pu <- index$sx - index$ex
index$pv <- index$sy - index$ey
ee <- extract(U, xyi)
xyq <- xy[!, ]
idx <- knn$query(xyq, k = 1, eps = 0)
uu <- vv <- target
uu[!] <- index$pu[idx$nn.idx]
vv[!] <- index$pv[idx$nn.idx]
writeRaster(uu, filename = sprintf("data-local/", i), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(vv, filename = sprintf("data-local/", i), overwrite = TRUE)
Bundle them into a VRT (and so forth) with
gdalbuildvrt u.vrt -separate data-local/currents/fileu*.grd
Another update, better naming and faster to update
prjj <- "+proj=laea +lat_0=-90 +datum=WGS84"
raster(spex::buffer_extent(projectExtent(raster(extent(-180, 180, -90, -30),
crs = "+init=epsg:4326"),
prjj), 25000),
res = 25000, crs = prjj)
files <- currentsfiles()
#u <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), uonly = TRUE)
#v <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), vonly = TRUE)
ex <- extent(-180, 180, -75, -30)
geti_u <- function(i = 1) {
readcurr(files$date[i], xylim = ex, uonly = TRUE, inputfiles = files)
geti_v <- function(i = 1) {
readcurr(files$date[i], xylim = ex, vonly = TRUE, inputfiles = files)
u <- geti_u()
target <- default_grid()
xy <- coordinates(target)
xyi <- rgdal::project(xy, projection(target), inv = TRUE)
index <- tibble(cellindex = seq_len(ncell(u)))
index[c("qx", "qy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, index$cellindex), "+proj=eqc")
index[c("sx", "sy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, index$cellindex), projection(target))
knn <- WKNNF(as.matrix(index[c("sx", "sy")]))
i <- 1
#gsub( "nc$", "grd", gsub("dt_global_allsat_phy_l4_", "dt_south_polar_u_", basename(files$fullname[i])))
dirbase <- "/rdsi/PRIVATE/raad/data_local/"
for (i in seq_len(nrow(files))) {
ufile <- gsub( "nc$", "grd", gsub("dt_global_allsat_phy_l4_", "dt_south_polar_u_", basename(files$fullname[i])))
vfile <- gsub( "nc$", "grd", gsub("dt_global_allsat_phy_l4_", "dt_south_polar_v_", basename(files$fullname[i])))
if (file.exists(ufile) && file.exists(vfile)) next;
U <- geti_u(i)
V <- geti_v(i)
index$x1 <- index$qx + values(U)
index$y1 <- index$qy + values(V)
index[c("ex", "ey")] <- rgdal::project(rgdal::project(as.matrix(index[c("x1", "y1")]), "+proj=eqc", inv = TRUE),
index$pu <- index$sx - index$ex
index$pv <- index$sy - index$ey
ee <- extract(U, xyi)
xyq <- xy[!, ]
idx <- knn$query(xyq, k = 1, eps = 0, radius = 0)
uu <- vv <- target
uu[!] <- index$pu[idx$nn.idx]
vv[!] <- index$pv[idx$nn.idx]
ufile <- gsub( "nc$", "grd", gsub("dt_global_allsat_phy_l4_", "dt_south_polar_u_", basename(files$fullname[i])))
vfile <- gsub( "nc$", "grd", gsub("dt_global_allsat_phy_l4_", "dt_south_polar_v_", basename(files$fullname[i])))
uu <- setZ(uu, files$date[i])
vv <- setZ(vv, files$date[i])
tmp <- writeRaster(uu, filename = file.path( dirbase, ufile), overwrite = TRUE)
tmp <- writeRaster(vv, filename = file.path( dirbase, vfile), overwrite = TRUE)
default_grid <- function() {
prjj <- "+proj=laea +lat_0=-90 +datum=WGS84"
raster(spex::buffer_extent(projectExtent(raster(extent(-180, 180, -90, -30),
crs = "+init=epsg:4326"),
prjj), 25000),
res = 25000, crs = prjj)
files <- currentsfiles()
#u <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), uonly = TRUE)
#v <- readcurr(xylim = extent(-180, 180, -75, -20), vonly = TRUE)
ex <- extent(-180, 180, -75, -30)
geti_u <- function(i = 1) {
readcurr(files$date[i], xylim = ex, uonly = TRUE, inputfiles = files)
geti_v <- function(i = 1) {
readcurr(files$date[i], xylim = ex, vonly = TRUE, inputfiles = files)
u <- geti_u()
target <- default_grid()
xy <- coordinates(target)
xyi <- rgdal::project(xy, projection(target), inv = TRUE)
index <- tibble(cellindex = seq_len(ncell(u)))
index[c("qx", "qy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, index$cellindex), "+proj=eqc")
index[c("sx", "sy")] <- rgdal::project(xyFromCell(u, index$cellindex), projection(target))
knn <- WKNNF(as.matrix(index[c("sx", "sy")]))
dirbase <- "/rdsi/PRIVATE/raad/data_local/"
#for (i in seq_len(nrow(files))) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(files))) {
## split by year
diryear <- file.path(dirbase, format(files$date[i], "%Y"))
if (!file.exists(diryear)) dir.create(diryear)
ufile <- file.path(diryear, gsub( "nc$", "grd", gsub("dt_global_allsat_phy_l4_", "dt_south_polar_u_", basename(files$fullname[i]))))
vfile <- file.path(diryear, gsub( "nc$", "grd", gsub("dt_global_allsat_phy_l4_", "dt_south_polar_v_", basename(files$fullname[i]))))
if (file.exists(ufile) && file.exists(vfile)) next;
U <- geti_u(i)
V <- geti_v(i)
index$x1 <- index$qx + values(U)
index$y1 <- index$qy + values(V)
index[c("ex", "ey")] <- rgdal::project(rgdal::project(as.matrix(index[c("x1", "y1")]), "+proj=eqc", inv = TRUE),
index$pu <- index$sx - index$ex
index$pv <- index$sy - index$ey
ee <- extract(U, xyi)
xyq <- xy[!, ]
idx <- knn$query(xyq, k = 1, eps = 0, radius = 0)
uu <- vv <- target
uu[!] <- index$pu[idx$nn.idx]
vv[!] <- index$pv[idx$nn.idx]
uu <- setZ(uu, files$date[i])
vv <- setZ(vv, files$date[i])
tmp <- writeRaster(uu, filename = ufile, overwrite = TRUE)
tmp <- writeRaster(vv, filename = vfile, overwrite = TRUE)
This is now "polar_currents/" in