
Changepassword "you are not logged in"

ImArkdia opened this issue · 0 comments

What behaviour is observed?

Looked at the config and didn't see anything related to this or maybe I'm just blind, if thats the case, sorry then.
When a player tries to change its password, he can't because he's not logged in, but, I've got inside the config to send players to lobby when logged in. Its a hassle for players if I set an item to actually send them to lobby so, how could I make changepassword to work without being authed?
Thanks in advance!

Expected behaviour

Change password to not authed players

To Reproduce

  1. AuthMeBungee whitelisted commands: /changepassword
  2. Allow /changepassword inside authme server
  3. Try to use /changepassowrd without being logged in

Plugin list

AuthMe, BungeeGuard, BuycraftX, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, floodgate, LuckPerms, SkinsRestorer, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

Server Implementation


Database Implementation


AuthMe Version

AuthMeReloaded v5.6.0-SNAPSHOT (build: 2597)

Error log (if applicable)

No response
